6 skincare myths that may not be true

Gone are the days our grandmothers would give us old skin remedies and cosmetic tips and we would receive them without blinking an eye.

Nowadays, there are several tips and myths around skincare that you probably do not know which one to choose from.

Social media particularly Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok are filled with all sorts of skincare hacks and one may wonder if they indeed work.

Although some could be legit, others are misleading and sometimes lead to all kinds of skin fatalities.

To give insight into some of these hacks, here are 4 skincare myths that may not be true.

1. Face steaming opens pores

We’ve heard this age-old advice from our mothers and those before them but guess what? It is a myth!

Pores aren’t doors, and steaming doesn’t open them. Steam however softens the skin and thus saturates excess dirt and oil build-up on the face, making it easier to clean.

2. Your skin can get immune to skincare products.

Not true! You do not have to switch beauty products every few months or years. Your skin doesn’t get “used” to certain cosmetic ingredients. It’s is a myth.

The epidermis, or the top layer of your skin, turns over every 40-56 days. So every month your skin generates new cells that are reintroduced to your skincare products or routine. Isn’t biology just beautiful?

3. ‘Dermatologist tested’ makes a product trustworthy

Not entirely. The term ‘Dermatologist tested’ is not an official or internationally recognized certification.

More often than not these products are marketed more for their price points and market niche as opposed to their ingredients. Be wary of untrusted skincare products with this label. There is really no genuine demonstrative efficacy attached to this term.

4. Keeping wounds open makes them heal faster.

Not true. Uncovered wounds do not heal faster. They however dry out which is bad for the healing process and worse still for one’s skin. Bandage your cuts, blisters, and scrapes. The bandage keeps moisture in which allows skin cells and blood vessels to heal faster.

6. The skin sweats out toxins

Unfortunately, this is false. The skin is a one-way excretion organ that protects the body against viruses, bacteria, and other harmful elements found all around us.

You cannot sweat out harmful toxins like Mercury or even alcohol. The liver and kidney are the primary excretion organs for that.

Source: braperucci.africa

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