Prof. Lydia Aziato is the first nurse to attain the position of Vice Chancellor

There is good news for the nurses and midwifery community in Ghana as one of their own has just walked into the annals of history in the country by her appointment as the new Vice Chancellor of the University of Health and Allied Sciences at Ho.

Until this appointment, Professor Lydia Aziato was the Dean, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Ghana, and has been a nurse for over 20 years.

Her appointment, which takes effect from August 1, 2022, was confirmed at a special meeting of the Governing Council of UHAS on Friday, June 3, 2022.

But who exactly is Prof. Lydia Aziato?

Here is a profile of her as made available via

Professor Lydia Aziato is the Dean, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Ghana. She has been a nurse for over 20 years. She had her first degree in nursing and psychology in 2001 and in 2006, she graduated with an MPhil in Nursing from the University of Ghana. She also has a specialty certificate in Oncology Nursing from the cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, Canada and completed in 2006. Subsequently she graduated with a PhD in Nursing from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa in 2013.

She holds both local and international positions in nursing organizations such as Sigma Theta Tau. She also serves on a number of boards and committees and she is an external examiner for a number of Universities in Ghana and internationally.

She has published in many credible international peer-reviewed journals and is a reviewer for more than ten credible journals. Her research interests span across pain management, cancer and surgical nursing. She has advanced skills in qualitative research and curriculum development. She is interested in training and mentoring young nurses and students to enhance their skills and independence.

Courses Taught
• Surgical Nursing (BSc)
• Family Health Crisis Intervention (Medical-surgical) (BSc)
• Nursing Intervention (BSc)
• Curriculum Development at the graduate level (MPhil)
• Advanced clinical specialty at the graduate level (MPhil)
• Advanced theoretical Foundation of Nursing at the graduate level (MPhil)
• Nursing Seminar (MSc and MPhil)
• Issues in nursing and health care delivery (MSc and MPhil)
• Independent study at the graduate level (MSc)
Research Interests
• Qualitative research
• Pain management with more focus on post-operative pain, dysmenorrhoea, labour pain and chronic pain
• Cancers such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer
• Peri-operative nursing
• Women and reproductive health
• Herbal medicine
• Nursing Advocacy
Award and Achievement
• 2017; Emerging Nurse Researcher Award for Africa 2017, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI)
• 2011-2012; Centre of Teaching and Learning Scholarship (CENTALS), Doctoral Scholarship for PhD in Nursing, University of the Western Cape
• 2007-2010; Ghana Education Trust Fund Scholarship for postgraduate studies for PhD in Nursing, University of Glamorgan
• 2003-2005; Unilever Postgraduate Studies Award for MPhil in Nursing, College of Health Sciences –Univ. of Ghana.
• 2001; First Class Award for BA Nursing and Psychology, University of Ghana
• 1997; Best Student in Public Health Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing, Psychiatry and Psychiatric Nursing, Nurses Training College
• 1997; Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) distinction award in Med/Medical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Obstetric Nursing, Paediatric Nursing and Patient Care Study, NMC, Nursing Professional exams
Research Grant
1. Special Study on Assessing the Scope and Effectiveness of Intervention Activities among Key Populations in Ghana. Ghana AIDS Commission/Global Fund funded project, 2017, $74,000.00. Co-Applicant
2. Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria in Pregnancy: Assessing the new Implementation Strategy in Ghana. IDR funded project.2016/2016, €120, 789, 78.00 IDR 5% Initiative Grant. Socio-anthropological co-lead.
3. Promoting wellbeing across borders: migration, social remittances and health. 15/12/16, Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) – Research Development Fund 2016, £9,461. Co-investigator
4. The role of religion in labour pain management in Ghana: A focus on Pentecostal/charismatic churches and African Traditional Religion. 8th ORID call, University of Ghana Research Fund, 03/17/15, GH¢ 20,000, Principal Investigator

1. Journal
1. Aziato, L. & Omenyo, C.N. (2018). Initiation of Traditional Birth Attendants and their traditional and spiritual practices during pregnancy and childbirth in Ghana. ‘BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth’ DOI: 10.1186/s12884-018-1691-7
2. Kwegyir-Afful, E., Verbeek, J., Aziato, L., Seffah, J. D., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K., & Räsänen, K. (2018). Lifting and pregnancy outcomes: feasibility of a randomized controlled trial. Occupational Medicine, 68(1), 11-17. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqx166
3. Aziato, L., Majee, W., Jooste, K. & Teti, M. (2017). Community leaders’ perspectives on facilitators and inhibitors of health promotion among the youth in rural South Africa ‘International Journal of Africa Nursing Science’ 7(Supplement C), 119-125. doi:
4. Dadzie, G., Aziato, L. & Aikins, A. G. (2017). “We are the best to stand in for Patients”: A qualitative study on nurses’ advocacy characteristics in Ghana ‘BMC Nursing’ 16(1), 61-69. doi:10.1186/s12912-017-0259-6
5. Aziato, L., Kyei, A. A., & Deku, G. (2017) Experiences of midwives on pharmacological and non-pharmacological labour pain management in Ghana ‘Reproductive Health’ 14:128. DOI 10.1186/s12978-017-0398-y
6. Anim-Boamah, O., Aziato, L & Adebayire, V. (2017). Ghanaian nurses’ knowledge of invasive procedural pain and its effects on children, parents and nurses. ‘Nursing Children & Young People’ 29 (7); 26-31.
7. Majee, W., Aziato, L., Jooste, K. & Adaobi, A. (2017). The Graying of Rural America: Community Engagement and Health Promotion Challenges. ‘Health Promotion Practice’ 1524839917714768
8. Appiah R, Boakye KE, Ndaa P, Aziato, L.(2017): “Tougher than ever”: An exploration of relapse prevention strategies among patients recovering from poly-substance use disorders in Ghana. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 2017:1-8.
9. Aziato, L., & Odai, P. N. (2017). Exploring the safety and clinical use of herbal medicine in the contemporary Ghanaian context: A descriptive qualitative study. Journal of Herbal Medicine, 8, 62-67. doi:
10. Asirifi, M., Ogilvie, L., Barton, S., Aniteye, P., Stobart, K., Bilash, O., Eliason, C., Ansong, G., Aziato, L., Kwashie, A. (2017). Assessing challenges of clinical education in a baccalaureate nursing program in Ghana. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 7(10): 109-118
11. Adugbire, B. A., Aziato, L.. & Dedey, F. (2017). A qualitative exploration of the experiences of patients’ postoperative nursing care in the northern part of Ghana. ‘NUMID Horizon: An International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery’ 1(1); 47-56.
12. Anim-Boamah, O., Aziato, L. & Adebayire, V. (2017). Nurses attitudes and approaches to procedural pain management of children in Ghana: the case of Koforidua region hospital ‘NUMID Horizon: An International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery’ 1(1); 29-37.
13. Adugbire, B. A., Aziato, L. & Dedey, F. (2017). Patients’ experiences of pre and intra operative nursing care in Ghana: A qualitative study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 6, 45-51. doi:
14. Aziato, L., Acheampong, K. A. & Umoar, L.K. (2017). Labour pain experiences and perceptions: A qualitative study among post-partum women in Ghana ‘BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth’ 17(1); 73-82: doi 10.1186/s12884-017-1248-1
15. Appiah, R., Danquah, S.A., Nyarko, K., Ofori-Atta, A. L. & Aziato, L. (2016). Precipitants of Substance Abuse Relapse in Ghana: A Qualitative Exploration. Journal of Drug Issues, 47(1), 104-115. doi: 10.1177/0022042616678612 –
16. Aziato, L., Ohemeng Antwi, H & Omenyo, C.N. (2016). Experiences and perceptions of Ghanaian midwives on labour pain and religious beliefs and practices influencing their care of women in labour. ‘Reproductive Health’ 13(1), 136-143. DOI: 10.1186/s12978-016-0252-7
17. Aziato, L.. (2016). The dynamics of female education from the basic to the tertiary levels in Ghana: Challenges and reflections. The Social Work Practitioner-Researcher, 28(3), 345-354.
18. Aziato, L., Hindin, M. J., Maya, E. T., Manu, A., Amuasi, S. A., Lawerh, R. M., & Ankomah, A. (2016). Adolescents’ Responses to an Unintended Pregnancy in Ghana: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 29(6), 653-658. doi:
19. Sani, A. M., Naab, F. & Aziato, L. (2016) Influence of educational level on knowledge and practice of breast self-examination among women in Sokoto, Nigeria. ‘Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences’ 5(2), 100-6. DOI:10.4103/2278-960X.194482.
20. Aziato, L., Ohene, A. L., Norman, L. & Ohemeng Antwi, H (2016) ‘Ageing with aches and pains’: Lived experiences of the elderly in Ghana. International Journal of Caring Sciences 9 (2), 551-560
21. Aziato, L., Odai, P., & Omenyo, C. (2016). Religious beliefs and practices in pregnancy and labour: an inductive qualitative study among post-partum women in Ghana. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16(1), 138. doi: 10.1186/s12884-016-0920-1
22. Aziato, L., & Antwi, H. O. (2016). Facilitators and barriers of herbal medicine use in Accra, Ghana: an inductive exploratory study. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 16(1), 1-9. doi:10.1186/s12906-016-1124-y
23. Aziato, L., Ohene, A. L., Dedey, F & Clegg-Lamptey, J. N (2016). ‘I was in real pain’: Surgical nurses personal pain experiences in Ghana. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 9(1): 90-98
24. Aziato, L. (2015). Learning from a lived experience of a PhD: A reflexive ethnography of two journeys International Journal of Higher Education, 4(4) 199-206. doi:10.5430/ijhe.v4n4p199.
25. Aziato, L., Dedey, F., Marfo, K. Asamani, J.A., & Clegg-Lamptey, J. N. (2015). Validation of three pain scales among adult postoperative patients in Ghana. BMC Nursing, 14(42); 2-9. DOI: 10.1186/s12912-015-0094-6.
26. Adipa, F. E., Aziato, L., & Zakaria, A N. (2015). Qualitative exploration of nurses’ perspectives on clinical oxygen administration in Ghana – International Journal of Africa Nursing Science, 2; 42-46
27. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O. (2015). Developing a context appropriate clinical guideline for post-operative pain management in Ghana: A participatory approach – International Journal of Africa Nursing Science, 2; 26-33
28. Atinga, R., Kuganab-Lem, R., & Aziato, L., Srofenyoh, E. (2014). Strengthening quality of acute care through feedback from patients in Ghana. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, doi:
29. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O. (2014e). Psychosocial factors influencing Ghanaian family caregivers in the post-operative care of their hospitalized patients. African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 16(2): 112-124
30. Aziato, L., Dedey, F & Clegg-Lamptey, J. N. (2015). Dysmenorrhea management and coping among students in Ghana: A qualitative exploration Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 28(3): 163-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2014.07.002.
31. Aziato, L., Dedey, F & Clegg-Lamptey, J. N. (2014). The experience of dysmenorrhoea among Ghanaian Senior High and University students: Pain characteristics and effects. Reproductive Health 11:58 doi: 10.1186/1742-4755-11-58
32. Bonsu, A. B., Aziato, L. & Clegg-Lamptey, J.N. (2014). Living with advanced breast cancer among Ghanaian women: Emotional and psychosocial experiences. International Journal of Palliative Care 2014(2014): 1-9.
33. Aziato, L. & Clegg-Lamptey, J. N. (2014) Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Factors Influencing Treatment Decisions in Ghana. Health Care for Women International. 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/07399332.2014.911299.
34. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O. (2014a). The Ghanaian surgical nurse and post-operative pain management: A Clinical Ethnographic Insight. Pain Management Nursing, 15(1): 265-272.
35. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O. (2014b). Determinants of Nurses’ Knowledge Gap on Pain Management in Ghana. Nurse Education in Practice, 14(2): 195-199.
36. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O. (2014c). An insight into the Pre-operative Experiences of Ghanaian General Surgical Patients. Clinical Nursing Research 23(2): 171-187.
37. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O. (2014d). An ethnographic exploration of post-operative pain experience among Ghanaian surgical patients. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 26(3); 301-307. DOI: 10.1177/1043659614526246
38. Aziato, L. & Adejumo, O (2013) Perspectives of the Surgeons, Anaesthetists, and Pharmacists on post-operative pain management roles in the Ghanaian context. The African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19(3) 678-691 –
39. Aziato, L., (2009). Post-mastectomy experiences of women with breast cancer in the Accra metropolis. West African Journal of Nursing, 20(1), 51-57.
2. Book Chapter
1. Aziato, L. (2014). The Concept of Pain and Trends in Post-operative Pain Management: Implications for Nursing Practice in Ghana. In Aziato et al ed. Footprints of the Nursing Profession: Current Trends and Emerging Issues in Ghana p. 56-74: Sub-Saharan Publishers, Accra.
2. Aziato, L. & Korsah K. A. (2014) Nursing Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Orientation and Applications. In Aziato et al ed. Footprints of the Nursing Profession: Current Trends and Emerging Issues in Ghana p. 193-209: Sub-Saharan Publishers, Accra.

Conference Presentation
1. Oral presentation. Achempim-Ansong, G., Aziato, L. & Norman, L. The emergence of the new strain(s) of bacterial meningitis?: Implications for nursing. Presented on 29th Sept, 2016. 2nd Biennial Scientific Conference of the College of Health Sciences 28-30 Sept, 2016 Accra. Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, Accra
2. Presenter. Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives (GCNM) – 1st Scientific Conference and 1st Annual General Meeting. Topic: “Writing Abstracts and Publishing”. Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives (GCNM) 1st – 5th August 2016 – Presented on 1st August; Gomoa, Ghana
3. Poster Presentation. Majee, W., Jooste, K. & Aziato, L. 23 July, 2016 Poster: Community Leadership and Health Promotion: Lessons From Rural South Africa. Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) International Nursing Research Congress @ Cape Town International convention centre. 21–25 July 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
4. Presenter. Aziato (2015) Realities of Post-Operative Pain Management in Ghana: Evidence from Method and Participant Triangulation. Theme: Serve Locally, Transform Regionally, Lead Globally Sigma Theta Tau International, STTI 43rd Biennial Convention. 7th to 11th Nov, 2015, @ Aria Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
5. Oral presentation. 7th Biennial Scientific Conference. Medical emergencies and Trauma in Ghana: How prepared are we? Aziato, L, Dedey, F & Clegg-Lamptey, J. N. Contextualizing dysmenorrhoea within emergency care: Realities of the young Ghanaian female adults. University of Ghana, College of Health Sciences. 24th – 26th September, 2014, Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, Accra
6. Co-author for oral presentation. 2nd UGBS Conference on Business and Development. Theme: Sustainability and Enterprise Development. Atinga, R., Kuganab-Lem, R., & Aziato, L. & Yarney, L. Health workers experience of violent assaults and risk assessment of mental hospitals: implications for sustainable mental healthcare delivery in Ghana. Univ. of Ghana Business School (UGBS) 28th – 31st July, 2014 @ Univ. of Ghana Business School, Legon
7. Co-author for oral presentation. 12th Faculty of Arts Colloquium. Theme: “Strengthening the Humanities through Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research”. Gyamfi, K & Aziato, L. The ‘New Coffin’: Contemporary negotiations and implications Faculty of Arts, University of Ghana 24-25th April, 2014; University of Ghana
8. Oral online presentation. ‘Paucity of Intervention Research for Post-operative Pain Management Applicable to a Resource-Limited Clinical Environment: A Review’. Target Meeting 1st World Surgery Online Conference. Target Meeting, A Leading Life Sciences Conference Organizer. November 12-14, 2013, online
9. Oral presentation. ‘Factors influencing the psychological responses of pain after surgery’ 3rd Annual Mental Health Conference. 31st Oct. to1st Nov, 2013, Legon
10. Oral presentation. ‘Development of context appropriate clinical guidelines for post-operative pain management in Ghana’. 13th Annual Tau Lambda-At-Large Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International. 5th to 8th August, 2013, Bloemfontein, South Africa (Funded by ORID and GETFund)
11. Oral presentation. ‘Breast cancer diagnosis: reactions and factors influencing treatment decisions of Ghanaian women’. 6th Annual Scientific Conference of the College of Health Sciences Sept. 2012, Accra
12. Oral presentation. Aziato (2012). Breast Cancer Information Day for Health Professionals – ‘Experiences of breast cancer patients’ . Reach for Recovery Ghana. 3rd August, 2012, Accra

Professional Membership and Affiliations
1. Member, Honour Society of Nursing (Sigma Theta Tau International, Tau Lambda-at-Large Chapter; Faculty counselor, Ghana), 2005
2. Member, University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG), 2006
3. Academic Committee Member, Nightingale School of Nursing, Accra – 2016 to date
4. Member, Review of fellowship applications: Africa Science Leadership Programme (2nd Cohort, 2016/2017 Fellows) – January, 2016
5. President & Board chair – Chi-Omicron-At-Large, a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), 2017 to Date
6. Vice-President & Board member – Chi-Omicron-At-Large, a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), 2015 to 2017
7. Member – Academic Board, Ghana College and Nurses and Midwives 2015 to Date
8. Member – Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Regional Coordinating Committee for Africa and Chair for programming/regional conference planning – 2015 to Date
9. Board member – Tau Lambda-At-Large, a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI), 2013 to 2015
10. Advisory Council Member – International Academic Nursing Alliance (IANA) Advisory Council for 2013-2015 biennium (STTI).

Keynote and Invited Presentations
1. 4TH Military Nightingales Week Celebration and Awards Ceremony. Theme: Military Nightingale: Ensuring Client Satisfaction through Quality Service and Adequate Staffing. OCTOBER 14, 2016 @ 37 Military Hospital, Accra14TH.
2. Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Nurses’ Group 3rd Annual Conference and Scientific Session: Theme: Delivering Quality Ear, Nose and Throat Health Service: The Role of the ENT Nurse, the Employer and Client. September 29, 2016 @ Valley View University, Women’s Centre, Oyibi, Accra.
3. General Nurses Group of Ghana: 13th National Delegates Conference and Congress. THEME: Using Research to Improve Clinical Outcomes: The Role of the Nurse. August 18, 2016, @ Greater Accra GRNA Hostel, Accra, Ghana.
4. Launch and Celebration of International Nurses’ Day. Theme: Nurses And Midwives, A Force for Change: Improving Health Systems Resilience through Safe Staffing. May 12, 2016, @ GRNA Hostel (Headquarters), Accra, Ghana.
5. Sub-Regional Workshop of the West African College of Nursing.
Theme: Current Trends in Tuberculosis Management in the Sub-Region: Implications to Nursing Practice – September 30, 2013, @ GRNA Hostel (Headquarters), Accra, Ghana

Editorial Services
1. Deputy Reviewer Editor-in-Chief, NUMID Horizon: An International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 2016 to Date
2. Reviewer, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2016 to Date
3. Reviewer, Globalization and Health, 2016 to Date
4. Reviewer, International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 2016 to Date
5. Reviewer, BMC Nursing, 2015 to Date
6. Reviewer, Pain Management Nursing, 2015 to Date
7. Reviewer, Ghana Reviewer Medical Journal – 2015 to Date
8. Reviewer, Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences – 2014 to Date
9. Reviewer, African Journal of Nursing and Midwifery – 2014 to Date
10. Reviewer, Nurse Education in Practice – 2014 to Date
11. Reviewer, Journal of Transcultural Nursing – 2013 to Date
12. Reviewer, Clinical Nursing Research – 2012 to Date


About Elvis Anokye

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