Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed moved to tears by the overwhelming display of gifts from Zee’s fans
Zee's supporters arrived with abundant gifts, making Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed cry uncontrollably for her.
Zee's supporters arrived with abundant gifts, making Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed cry uncontrollably for her.

Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed moved to tears by the overwhelming display of gifts from Zee’s fans

Zee’s supporters arrived with abundant gifts, making Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed cry uncontrollably for her. It was an emotional moment for Zee Mofokeng when her fans surprised her with expensive gifts and a huge sum of money, yesterday, May 1. It was such a soothing and beautiful sight to behold.

Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed joined Zee’s Instagram live to celebrate with her, the massive moment she encountered with fans. The overwhelming support from her fans left Zee feeling grateful and humbled, as did the housemates who joined in to show support for her.

Makhekhe on Zee’s Instagram live said Zintle Mofokeng deserve everything good happening to her, he shares in with excitement and added that Denominators are the real deal, dropping for them fire emojis.

Makhekhe's comment on Zee's gifts from fans
Makhekhe’s comment on Zee’s gifts from fans

Jareed, known as Zee’s brother, came through with prayer. After he was awed by what he saw given to Zee he prayed and said, ‘May Zee and her Dominators be blessed for many moons‘. Yolanda, who was also on the line said she’s so happy for Zee and that Zee is kind.



Zee is kind and humble, Yolanda said on the live
Zee is kind and humble, Yolanda said on the live


The outpouring of love and support from everyone on the live stream was truly heart-warming, including the aforementioned housemates. They were excited for her, claiming she is humble and deserve everything good.



Zintle Zee on the other hand, expressed her heartfelt thanks during the live session. The bond between Zee and her fans was truly heart-warming to witness. A big win for her, for bagging fans who have her at heart.



Zee's supporters arrived with abundant gifts, making Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed cry uncontrollably for her.
Zee’s supporters arrived with abundant gifts, making Yolanda, Makhekhe, and Jareed cry uncontrollably for her.


About Gina Bev Quist

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