Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Whatever happened in the house is in the past, forgive and be cool with him – Young Pappi fan begs Zee to learn from Jareed
A Young Pappi fan pleads with Zintle to forgive and make amends with him, letting go of whatever happened in the Big Brother Mzansi Season IV house.
A Young Pappi fan pleads with Zintle to forgive and make amends with him, letting go of whatever happened in the Big Brother Mzansi Season IV house.

Whatever happened in the house is in the past, forgive and be cool with him – Young Pappi fan begs Zee to learn from Jareed

A Young Pappi fan pleads with Zee to forgive and make amends with him, letting go of whatever happened in the Big Brother Mzansi Season IV house.

The fan, Mstweni has asked Zee to forget what happened in the house and focus on what is on the outside now because it is now in the past and she should know it was a game.

Mstweni acknowledges the emotions and tensions that may have arisen during the competition, but emphasizes the importance of moving forward and repairing their relationship. The fan expresses hope for a reconciliation and a fresh start between Zee and Young Pappi.

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It all started when Jareed asked his fans to stop trolling and attacking Liema. He took that opportunity to tag Zintle to learn from Jareed and caution her fans to stop coming for Pappi at the least chance.

Mstwine tweet reads: “Love this!!! @MofokengZintle learn something. Whatever happened in that was a game everyone played their game, pappi doesn’t deserve the hate your fans constantly give him“.

Zee fans criticized Mstweni for referring to Pappi’s house attack against Zee, stating that Zee is the victim and apologising should be directed towards Pappi’s fans.



A Young Pappi fan pleads with Zintle to forgive and make amends with him, letting go of whatever happened in the Big Brother Mzansi Season IV house.
A Young Pappi fan pleads with Zintle to forgive and make amends with him, letting go of whatever happened in the Big Brother Mzansi Season IV house.

About Gina Bev Quist

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