Home / POLITICS / [VIDEO]: Man stabbed on the head over ripping of NDC posters in Winneba

[VIDEO]: Man stabbed on the head over ripping of NDC posters in Winneba

A 25-year-old man has been stabbed on the head with a broken bottle by some thugs believed to have been hired to rip off the posters of the parliamentary candidate of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) at Dasayaw in the Efutu Constituency in the Central region.

Kofi Egyir is currently on admission at the Winneba Trauma Hospital; health officials nursing his wounds say he is unconscious due to the loss of blood.

Eyewitnesses say the hoodlums were found defacing some posters belonging to James Kofi Annan and the flag bearer of the NDC, John Dramani Mahama at Awoyo junction late Monday night.

The victim who had intervene in an ensuing fracas between the poster rippers and some young men in the community found himself at the wrong side of one of the broken bottle-wielding mob and a jab thrown his direction landed right on his head, leaving a deep cut.

The Winneba Police Command says it has launched an investigation into the matter.






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