Home / CRIME & PUNISHMENT / 23-year-old arrested for stealing GHC300

23-year-old arrested for stealing GHC300

The Accra Region Police have arrested a criminal who attacked a lady in Amasaman, a suburb of Ghana’s capital, Accra and robbed her of her GHC300 and some personal belongings.

According to the Police, On September 15, the lady was returning from work when she was accosted by two criminals whose names were given as Asiamah Daniel and one Kojo.

The two emerged from a nearby bush and attacked her with a pistol and succeeded in robbing her of her money and some personal belongings and bolted.

The victim raised an alarm that drew the attention of residents in the area who led a search in the area and arrested Asiamah who confessed to having come from Osuhuiman with his accomplice, Kojo to attack victims and rob them of their monies.

Police retrieved all the items for the lady and have since begun investigations.


Source: MyNewsGh.com

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