Home / BUSINESS / Acquittal Of Incompetence: Unpacking the 46% Jean-Bossman’s Voter Register

Acquittal Of Incompetence: Unpacking the 46% Jean-Bossman’s Voter Register

Applying the Voter Registration Quality Index (VRQI) to scrutinize the recent voter registration and exhibition exercises reveals a shocking truth. The Jean-Bossman’s Voter Register has achieved a dismal 46% score, exposing the Electoral Commission’s glaring inefficiencies and highlighting critical shortcomings in key performance indicators( KPIs)as.

Accessibility, a crucial pillar of voter registration, garnered a woefully inadequate 3% score. This dismal performance stems from Chairperson Jean Mensah’s ill-fated decision to restrict registration to district EC offices, abandoning traditional polling stations and electoral areas. This misguided approach erected formidable barriers for citizens with disabilities, rural dwellers, and other marginalized groups, effectively disenfranchising them from the registration process.

Comprehensiveness, another crucial KPI, garnered a paltry 7%. This exposes the Commission’s failure to ensure inclusivity, as marginalized groups and rural communities were grossly underrepresented.
Inclusiveness, a vital component of a credible register, scored a dismal 4%. This highlights the Commission’s utter disregard for gender, age, and minority representation, perpetuating a cycle of exclusion.

Integrity, the bedrock of a trustworthy register, limped to a 7%. This betrays the Commission’s inability to prevent fraudulent entries and manipulation, casting a dark shadow over the register’s credibility.
Accuracy and Completeness, twin pillars of a reliable register, each scored a mediocre 4% and 5% respectively.This underscores the Commission’s sloppy approach to data collection and verification, resulting in a register riddled with errors and inconsistencies.

Data Quality, a critical KPI, managed a feeble 4%. This exposes the Commission’s laxity in ensuring the validity and consistency of voter information, further eroding trust.
Timeliness and compliance, both essential for a smooth registration process, scored a paltry 3% each. This reflects the Commission’s ineptitude in managing timelines and adhering to electoral laws and regulations.

Transparency, the cornerstone of accountability, scraped a mere 6%. This highlights the commission’s secrecy and lack of accountability, shrouding the registration process in mystery.
The 46% score is a scathing indictment of the Electoral Commission’s incompetence. It lays bare the Commission’s failure to address critical KPIs, ensuring a voter register that is neither credible nor trustworthy.

As Ghana teeters on the brink of electoral chaos, one thing is clear – the Jean-Bossman’s Voter Register is a ticking time bomb, threatening to upend the very foundations of our democracy.
Summary of the marks obtained for each KPIs with a total of 46%

Accessibility (3/10) -3%
Comprehensiveness (7/15) -7%
Inclusiveness (4/10) – 4%
Integrity (7/15) – 7%
Accuracy (4/10) – 4%
Completeness (5/10) -5%
Data Quality (4/10) – 4%
Timeliness (3/5) – 3%
Compliance (3/5) – 3%
Transparency (6/10)- 6%
Total: 46/100 = 46%:

Ahmed M.Gedel
Former NDC Technical Advisor on Biometric and NDC Rep@ IPAC &UNDP-Ghana


About Lawrence Odoom

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