Home / AFRICA / Three people killed in a taxi crash outside Ladysmith

Three people killed in a taxi crash outside Ladysmith

Three people were killed in a taxi crash on Helpmekaar Road, a suburb of Ladysmith in KwaZulu-Natal.

Saturday ER24 spokesman Werner Vermaak said the three were killed shortly after 11:00 on Friday morning.

Vermaak said:

Emergency personnel from ER24 and other services arrived at the scene, finding 13 minor to moderately injured. Three people were found deadly injured. The injured were treated on-site and later taken to various hospitals in the area.

He said the exact circumstances surrounding the clash were not yet known.

The local government was on site.

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Three people killed in a taxi crash outside Ladysmith

Source link Three people killed in a taxi crash outside Ladysmith.

Source: eminetra.co.za

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