Sooj questions Nelly’s Blood Type inquiry led to her unfolding and quietness….it so happened that this simple question of blood type became an unexpected source of tension in their relationship.
Nelly asked Sooj a casual question of what his blood type was; to this, he gave an irritated reaction and asked why it would bother her-this being a question one usually asks from people with whom one plans to get married, it seemed.
That had put Nelly in a corner, very much bewildered by which way things were going between them.
Later, Sooj came to Nelly, realizing that his words might hurt her feelings, and explained to her that he never meant anything bad but reacted to a situation he heard, that couples who are about to get married are to know their blood group and thereby create complications.
But by the time he tried explaining himself, Nelly had understood loud and clear. She was thinking to herself how such a thing-a blood type question-could get somebody off like that.
The exchange left her pondering just how any relationship could possibly move forward if something that simple set him off that way, even after he tried smoothing it over later.
When Sooj asked him if there was something more bothering her, all Nelly could reply with was, “I said it’s okay,” and that was the end of that.