At a moment of truth and dare, Kellyrae was asked to give Victoria a lap dance after their Thursday night party.
The housemates challenged him to give Victoria the dance and, well, instead, Big Brother zoomed in on Shaun’s facial expression rather than the dance, leaving many to wonder.
Everyone was waiting on Kellyrae’s wife, Kassie, to respond to the lap dance, but Shaun stole the show. Though Kassie wasn’t there in that moment, viewers couldn’t help but notice Shaun’s seemingly conflicted expression—somewhere between pained and amused—as he watched Kellyrae’s perform his task on Victoria.
This sudden attention to Shaun has put fans in the limelight, where everyone is speculating about his relationship with Victoria. Many people tend to believe there’s more than just what meets the eye.
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The reaction that Shaun has taken has become the highlight, whereby the fans comment and add on to the running drama in the house.