Check your hepatitis status once you begin to notice these signs in your body

According to Healthline Literally, everything that happens in the human body happens in the liver.

It’s fairly uncommon for hepatitis to go undetected because of how hard it is to spot the symptoms.

The severity of your symptoms may range from those typical of the common cold to fatal liver failure. In most cases, patients just feel pain here and there from the injury.

They might also feel sick to their stomachs and throw up. Jaundice, which manifests as a yellowing or paling of the skin or paleness of the eyes, is the most widely recognized warning sign that doctors look out for because it suggests that the liver is under stress and unable to filter some of the poisons that the body normally processes.

Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver brought on by a virus. Hepatitis is caused by one of five main viruses: types A, B, C, D, and E. Cirrhosis and malignancy are possible outcomes of untreated hepatitis, the severity of which depends on both the kind of hepatitis and the patient. The symptoms of hepatitis include yellow skin (jaundice), dark urine, nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

Having hepatitis could go unnoticed if you don’t experience any symptoms. In certain cases, signs of acute infection may not appear until up to six months after the initial illness. In other cases, signs of chronic hepatitis don’t show up for decades.

The following are the most noticeable symptoms of the two types of hepatitis that require a laboratory test to confirm your status, as described by the Mayo Clinic.

1 Acute hepatitis.

At this point, the symptoms are vague and can be easily misdiagnosed as the flu or another viral infection. Some of the symptoms include lethargy, headache, arthralgia, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. At this point, you may notice that your urine is dark and your stools are pale.

Jaundice progresses to yellowing of the eyes 1 to 2 weeks after the early stage and can last as long as 4 weeks. Unusual sensations persist, but as the liver enlarges, it begins to squeeze the right lobes of the liver and causes the patient discomfort in the abdominal region. Rapid weight loss is possible for certain people.

The second is a persistent case of hepatitis.

Acute hepatitis will likely be completely cured during the next six months. Hepatitis that persists for more than six months is considered chronic.

Many people with chronic hepatitis don’t experience any symptoms until they get blood tests as part of a normal checkup. The patient may exhibit signs of inflammation, such as weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, and arthralgia, that are similar to those seen in acute hepatitis.

The development of jaundice is possible with hepatitis, but it often occurs only in severe cases.

Female hirsutism as depicted in a photograph.

Acne, hirsutism, and the absence of menstrual periods are all symptoms of impaired liver function, which can be brought on by chronic hepatitis in women. Cirrhosis of the liver is a result of the damage caused by chronic hepatitis (the loss of function of a portion of the liver tissue).

When untreated, cirrhosis can progress to Hepatic Encephalopathy (hepatic coma), Hepatorenal Syndrome, and possibly liver cancer.


About Elvis Anokye

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