The coronavirus outbreak has kept many at home with the hope of it ending soon. So many people are hoping that scientists and medical researchers finding a cure or vaccine to curtail this virus.
Amid all these hopes, popular Nigerian Prophet, T.B. Joshua prophesied that the virus will end today.
First Officer Felix™@phlexyl
Before March 27, Corona will be over
Today is 26, I believe
This will not be the first time he will give prophesies about world events. However, Nigerians have taken to social media to remind him that today is the deadline he gave for the end of Coronavirus.
Read reactions below:
Englishman @Hofnie_
If Corona virus disappear tomorrow as per TB Joshua. i’m becoming born again.
Englishman @Hofnie_
If Corona virus disappear tomorrow as per TB Joshua. i’m becoming born again.
BRIGHT WISDOM@grossindel
Ave not been to church in 8 years, if this prophesy comes to pass, if it mysteriously disappears by tomorrow 27 March 2020, I’ll become total born again and join a church ASAP. If it doesn’t, we dey here, no leave no transfer
Unfortunately TB Joshua’s prophecy will not come to pass. Tomorrow there will be new infections around the world but God is bigger than man. Men are flawed. 1 man will not define who God is. Our God is great.