With less than three weeks to the season 9 of Big Brother Naija, market women and men roll out their drums over who will go home with the ultimate prize. One such optimistic Twitter user took her view to the platform, saying Double Kay is sure to win this year’s edition.
In her tweet, which came on August 12, Netizen posted boldly, “I think Double Kay is winning this season”. They have the public’s votes locked in.” She based her assertion on how strong public support is that Double Kay the married partners currently holds, arguing that this would be enough to guarantee them the win.
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Even at this point, the competition will still be tough. The other couples—more precisely, fan favourites like Shantoria and Wandi—have gained massive followings to prove that it’s not a clear-cut race for the top spot after all.

It started slow, and through a couple of episodes, fans were really putting off picking a favourite. Now that the shows have progressed, things are really heating up, and fan loyalty is starting to take place. With the finale still to come, it will be seen if Double Kay indeed takes the crown or somebody else steps up.
As it goes on, all the eyes will be on only the remaining housemates battling for the public’s favour to emerge victorious.