The New Patriotic Party has announced a roadmap for the conduct of parliamentary primary in the John Kumah Constituency in relation to the upcoming Ejisu by-election.
The Ejisu by-election has been necessitated by the death of the incumbent Member of Parliament, Dr John Kumah. Dr Kumah died aged 45 after a short illness.
A press release dated March 29, 2024 said, “The New Patriotic Party, has approved the timelines for holding the Ejisu By-election parliamentary primary. The approved timelines are as follows:
Opening of Nomination -Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Closing of Nomination -Thursday April 4, 2024
Election – Saturday April 13, 2024
1. An Aspiring Parliamentary Candidate (APC) shall procure Nomination
Forms after the payment of a non-refundable application fee of GHC
3,000.00 in Bankers Draft in favour of the NEW PATRIOTIC PARTY
2. To successfully file the nomination, an APC shall pay a non-refundable filing
fee of thirty-five thousand Ghana cedis (GHC35, 000.00) in Bankers Draft
3. However, Women, Youth and Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) who wants
to aspire to a higher political office will enjoy a 50% rebate on the filing fees.
This means they will be required to pay a non-refundable filing fee of
seventeen thousand and five hundred Ghana cedis – (GHC 17,500.00). For
the avoidance of doubt, a youth is a person whose age is between 18 and 40
4. No individual shall be denied access to purchase Nomination Forms.
The NPP named the Election Committee (EC) members as follows:
a. Mr. Danquah Smith Butey- Chairman
b. Mr. Bernard Antwi Boasiako – Vice Chairman
c. Hon. Patricia Appiagyei
d. Mad. Martha Kodua
e. Mr. Evans Nimako – Secretary
f. Chairperson of the Constituency Council of Elders.
g. All Constituency Executives (Ex-officio members).
The press release said, “The Party has also approved detailed Rules and Regulations to govern the conduct of the Ejisu By-election parliamentary primary which would be made available to stakeholders. However, Nomination Forms will be available at the
Constituency Party Office for purchase.”

Story credit to 3News