Home / GENERAL NEWS / Foods you should stop eating at night to avoid frequent urination during the night

Foods you should stop eating at night to avoid frequent urination during the night

According to Healthline, Many medical experts believe that sleep is just as important as eating right and exercising for maintaining excellent health. The importance of obtaining enough sleep has been widely acknowledged as being on par with the importance of leading an active lifestyle and eating a balanced and nutritious diet. Adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per night, according to experts.

However, many people struggle to receive the amount of sleep recommended for adults because their sleep is regularly interrupted by a wide range of circumstances. The need to get up several times in the middle of the night to urinate is an example of one of these reasons. One of the most common issues faced by people is the incessant urge to urinate in the middle of the night. Because of this, many people experience a dramatic decline in the quality of their sleep and an increase in their susceptibility to a wide range of health problems.

Healthline states that adults should not need to get up more than twice during an eight-hour sleep cycle to urinate. A case in point: [Introduction] To have to get up more than twice in the middle of the night to urinate is indicative of nocturnal polyuria, sometimes called nocturia, a urinary disease in adults. Nighttime urination is another term for this problem. According to research conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, persons with this condition only experience excessive urination at night.

Some of the known causes of nocturnal polyuria are congestive heart failure, sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea, drinking a lot of fluids before bed, oedema of the lower extremities, and the use of specific pharmaceuticals or prescriptions such as diuretics, as stated by the Cleveland clinic. Lower-extremity oedema is another possible cause, as are diuretics. However, diet is an aspect that many people prefer to ignore.

It’s common knowledge that consuming some meals and drinks can aggravate an overactive bladder. Increased urination may result from a hyperactive bladder. You should pay special attention to the types of foods that trigger this problem and limit your consumption of them if you have observed that you have to wake up multiple times during the night to urinate. Included in this group are the following types of foods:

Tomato-Based Goods

It’s hardly surprising to see tomatoes on this list, given they are an acidic food. The acidity of these beverages can irritate your bladder and make you urinate more frequently. People who have to get up multiple times during the night to urinate should limit their consumption of tomatoes and foods made with tomatoes, such as pasta, pizza sauce, ketchup, and salsa.

beverage either coffee or tea.

Many health benefits connected with consuming coffee and tea are attributed to the high quantities of caffeine found in these beverages. Those who already suffer from the symptoms of an overactive bladder may find that their condition worsens after consuming caffeine because it increases bladder activity and thus the need to urinate more frequently. Caffeine can have a significant negative impact on persons whose condition causes them to urinate frequently during the night.


Those who wake up frequently throughout the night to urinate should also avoid chocolate, as it contains theobromine, which can cause urination. There is caffeine in chocolate. Caffeine-free white chocolate and cocoa-rich dark chocolate are two chocolate variants that can be eaten as a healthy alternative to traditional chocolate, as reported by Ryan Wallace of Healthline.

Citrus fruits (oranges, limes, lemons)

Although citrus fruits are generally considered to be quite healthy, they should be avoided by people who have to get up several times during the night to urinate. This is due to their high quantity of citric acid, which has been linked to decreased bladder control. You should eat apples and bananas instead of citrus fruits like oranges, limes, grapefruits, and lemons because they have a lower acid content.

Alcoholic Drinks

Wine, whiskey, and beer should all be consumed moderately, and those with nocturnal polyuria should avoid them completely. Some alcoholic drinks, like those listed above, may irritate the bladder and change the signals that are sent to the brain to make you aware of the urge to urinate, as stated by Healthline.

Carbonated Beverages

According to Ryan Wallace of Healthline, the fizz in most regularly consumed carbonated beverages is thought to dramatically exacerbate the symptoms of an overactive bladder. Carbonated beverages including soda, energy drinks, and soft drinks should be avoided because of the combination of their high caffeine level and their carbonation, which can lead to frequent urination throughout the night.

Prepared foods

Flavouring and preservatives are two of the many synthetic ingredients commonly found in processed foods. Both of these are linked to bladder inflammation, so it’s best to swap them out for healthy options like vegetables and whole grains. You should stay away from both of those.


Since eating onions can have effects on the bladder similar to those of eating spicy or acidic foods, moderation in their consumption is likewise advised (Healthline). Onion overconsumption has been linked to bladder issues, including the sensation of having to urinate frequently and urgently. It is strongly advised that you avoid eating raw onions at all costs due to their extremely negative effects on the bladder.

About Elvis Anokye

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