Global Queen Miss Harriet Lamptey redefines valentine’s day with street children

The Global Queen Harriet Lamptey once again demonstrated her love by celebrating 2020 Val’s day with street children in Accra.

The current Miss Grand Prix in collaboration with her Foundation, HertieCare shared food and assorted drinks to the children and the vulnerable living on the streets of Accra.

With her commitment to contribute towards Poverty alleviation, Clean Water and Sanitation, Gender equality among others, Queen Harriet Lamptey, who is also a strong advocate for the UN Sustainable development Goals works with other stakeholders to organise such projects annually.

In an exclusive with she states that, these projects stems from her love and compassion for the vulnerable in society whos’ current conditions can be changed with the commitment and support from the privileged few -She said.

She also stated that, this project is not devoid of challenges, lack of support from corporate entities being a major factor in this regard.

Queen Harriet Lamptey, therefore extends a call to corporate entities, development agencies and individuals to support such initiatives in helping to break the poverty gap and putting smiles on the faces of street children especially.

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