How Can A Man Tell If He Has Prostate Enlargement?
1. If a man starts finding it difficult to start urinating or for the urinary stream to commence, then he should be watchful for further symptoms. If it persists, then there is a high chance his prostate gland has grown larger than it should.
2. Urinary stream that stops and starts in the process. A man who has an enlarged prostate gland may find himself experiencing the stop-start urinary stream, a situation whereby his urine stream starts and stops at intervals while urinating.
3. Accidentally leaking urine otherwise known as urinary incontinence is another symptom of prostate enlargement. It happens when the prostate gland presses against the bladder so badly due to enlargement that a man starts finding it hard to retain urine.
4. Needing to get up frequently in the night to urinate. If you start urinating more frequently than normal to the extent that you now find yourself getting up countless times in the middle of the night to urinate.