During an emotional conversation with Kassia recently, Victoria stated how much she misses her family while in the Big Brother Naija house
During an emotional conversation with Kassia recently, Victoria stated how much she misses her family while in the Big Brother Naija house

I Miss My Family So Much, But They’re Why I’m Here” – Victoria Opens Up in Heartfelt Conversation

During an emotional conversation with Kassia recently, Victoria stated how much she misses her family while in the Big Brother Naija house. Her time away brought the following thoughts from Victoria: “I miss my family so bad, like a whole lot.

By this time, they would be there for me with everything happening.” As down as she was, Victoria explained that her family is one of the major reasons she’s still in the game, pushing herself to stay strong for them.

Related Story: Ozee Turns Down Victoria’s Advances, Twin Brother Ocee Warns Against Taking Advantage – Home Of Ghana News (ghanaweb.mobi)

Kassia sensed that her friend might be a little down and asked her if something in particular was bothering her. Victoria said Ebuka’s question of her going on to Ozee during the Saturday night party was weighing her down.

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People thinking she went to kiss Ozee made her insecure, even though she only asked him one question, she explained. She said the incident was making her doubt her standing with the viewers and that she is scared it might have made her make some kind of misstep in the game.

As much as Victoria wants to be strong and press on through it all, the house will surely take a heavy emotional toll on her.

During an emotional conversation with Kassia recently, Victoria stated how much she misses her family while in the Big Brother Naija house
During an emotional conversation with Kassia recently, Victoria stated how much she misses her family while in the Big Brother Naija house


About Gina Bev Quist

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