Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Liema fans lobbied for a gig in Zee’s Management
Fans including Liema Pantsi fans just ignored the fact that, Zee was on the label and went ahead to recommend her to Zee's management, LMNT.
Fans including Liema Pantsi fans just ignored the fact that, Zee was on the label and went ahead to recommend her to Zee's management, LMNT.

Liema fans lobbied for a gig in Zee’s Management

Fans including Liema Pantsi fans just ignored the fact that, Zee was on the label and went ahead to recommend her to Zee’s management, LMNT.

Some other BBmzansi fans would like to see their stars on more campaigns, including Liema, Yolanda, Zee, Khosi Twala, Mpumi, and others. The LMNT influence and diverse ideal choices for brand endorsements have been massive so far.

Working on your own is one thing, and having management hold you down as a newbie in the industry is also another thing. Apparently, Liema fans including other fanbases, recommend their favourites to Zee’s new management’s boss, Mandzi of LMNT.

Mandzi, LMNT CEO, asks on his official Twitter page about celebrities their fans would like to see more on campaigns. It was so obvous that he was talking about the celebrities he already has on his team or whether he wanted new celebrities to join.

That was when other fans took the opportunity to recommend their stars to him. Mandsi can sign Liema to his team because both she and Zee don’t have any issues; they are good friends.

LMNT has been excelling in managing Zee, securing significant gigs and influencing top companies like Coca Cola.

Fans including Liema Pantsi fans just ignored the fact that, Zee was on the label and went ahead to recommend her to Zee's management, LMNT.
Fans including Liema Pantsi fans just ignored the fact that, Zee was on the label and went ahead to recommend her to Zee’s management, LMNT.


About Gina Bev Quist

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