My wife charges me GHC50 for sex – Man cries out

Many people get married for various reasons but sex remains the first on the list when they are arranged in order of popularity.

Per the customs, married couples are entitled to each other’s bodies without recourse.

That notwithstanding, an ardent follower of David Papa Bondzie-Mbir, a relationship coach on Facebook has submitted a different story about his encounter with his wife.

According to the man, his wife whom he’s been married to for 3 years requires him to pay 50 cedis each time he wants to make love to her.

The distraught man intimated that although he has never cheated on his wife, and he’s a responsible man in his home, she feels all men are cheats and still subjects him to that.

Asked why she had resorted to putting him through such drama and torture, his wife said she was investing in his future.

“…my wife is a follower of your page and for some reason, she thinks all men are cheats and will cheat on their wives. We have been married for 3 years and she’s still of that opinion…

Dave, I am reliable. I am responsible. I am very committed to this marriage and into her. I show up for her always. I strive to be good, Dave. But my wife still charges me GHC50 for every sex we have at home. Yes ooo. After paying her bride price at marrying her at home and in church, I have to always have GHC 50 on me if I want to have sex with her. It started on our honeymoon. She wouldn’t let me touch her the evening of our wedding. At first, I thought it was tiredness. That was her excuse. So, I woke her up at dawn. She asked me to give her GHC 50, I did, and the sex was stupefying. Little did I know I was going to be paying for the rest of my f*$king life,” he lamented.

I have been asking her what she does with the money and she says she’s investing in my future.
Read the man’s story here:

Shortly after his submission, however, the wife also sent a response to Bondzie-Mbir describing it as a half-truth.

“…the story he sent you is a half-truth. Let me share my side of the story,” she wrote.

“We dated for 2 years. And in those years he wasn’t showing up reeking of the other woman’s perfume or in her lipstick stains. He was always careful… while in courtship he was sleep talking to one Serwaa in my bed and was promising to send her GHC50 for their last f*%k. I picked his phone to find out who the Serwaa was. I knew his password so I checked…”

Read her full response here:


About Elvis Anokye

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