Home / EDUCATION / Non-release of GetFund to Universities, a major challenge to development; The Vice-Chancellor of KsTU

Non-release of GetFund to Universities, a major challenge to development; The Vice-Chancellor of KsTU



Prof. Gabriel Dwomoh, the Vice-Chancellor of the Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) has expressed concern about the non-release of GetFund allocated to the University its effect.

According to him, the Institution is yet to receive more than 10 million Ghana Cedis from GETFund for pre-financing the construction of the Faculty of Creative Arts and Technology project which was approved by the Government in 2020.

“One significant obstacle to development is the non-release of GetFund to University, I would therefore like to make a passionate appeal to the Government not only to grant us clearance to engage staff to improve our staffing situation but also to facilitate the timely release of funds from GETFund to complete the FCAT Project”. Prof. Dwomoh.

Again, the insufficient staff to run the University. On average, the Staff: Student ratio stands at 1: 40 which is contrary to the GTEC norm of 1:18 for Engineering programs and other programs in Health Sciences at 1:12 or 1:15., he appeals to the government for more staff.

He said despite the many progresses they have made, the University is saddled with some challenges that need immediate intervention to speed up the pace of its progress.

Prof. Gabriel Dwomoh made this appeal on the occasion of the 20th congregation ceremony of Kumasi Technical University held at the Great Hall on Friday 20th January 2024.

Prof. Dwomoh used the opportunity to share some thoughts with the graduates as they exited the University to continue their journey in different ways altogether.

“My dear graduates, your experience today is a dream fulfilled. Never lose sight of the amount of resources, both human and financial that have been committed to your training. Therefore, I charge you to go out there and commit yourself to hard, dedicated, and honest work to justify the huge investment made toward your training. Also, do not forget that today’s world belongs to people who challenge the status quo and are always determined to make a paradigm shift from the conventional ways of doing things”. He advised.

To be able to do this, certain personal resolutions are necessary.

First, be conscious of your time and ensure that it is used only on productive ventures. This is because as you know, time is a resource that cannot be replaced when lost. Therefore, use it judiciously.

Second, take advantage of the various opportunities offered by today’s changing world by looking around to identify opportunities and use them to your advantage.

Also, be mindful of the people you associate yourself with as they may influence your life either positively or negatively. Always bear in mind that ‘bad association corrupts good morals’.

Finally, never forget your background but rather, be humbled by it and let your training have a positive reflection on you and all those with whom you will be associated.


This congregation covers graduates who completed their studies in the Institution during the 2022/2023 academic year. At this congregation, 842 graduates undertook the non-tertiary (Diploma) programs of the University.

Of this number,
79 had first class,
375 had second-class upper, 7366 had second-class lower and
22 had passed.
Furthermore, 1,413 graduates will be awarded the Higher National Diploma (HND)

Of this number,
115 had first class,
750 had second class upper,
537 had second class lower and
11 had passed.

In addition, Prof. Chairman, graduates of the Civil Engineering Department are graduating with the competent classification under the Competency-Based Training (CBT) model. Out of the 22 graduates, 4 are graduating with distinction, 14 with merit 4 are graduating with competence
Again, 947 students who completed the University’s Bachelor of Technology (BTech) programmes, are to be awarded Kumasi Technical University BTech certificates.
Of this number;
172 had first class,
543 had second-class upper,
226 had second class lower and
6 had passed.

Furthermore, 10 MTech students have successfully brought their studies to an end. They are from the Chemical, Civil, Building Technology, and Statistical Sciences departments of the University.

Therefore, we have a total of 3,212 graduates who are to be awarded MTech, BTech, HND, and Diploma certificates, at today’s ceremony. These graduates are young men and women who have worked hard to distinguish themselves and therefore, must be crowned with success. We must share in the joy of their success.

About 12asd www.ghanaweb.mobi

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