Home / POLITICS / Obiri Boahen granted GHS200,000 bail over ‘beating mercilessly’ comment

Obiri Boahen granted GHS200,000 bail over ‘beating mercilessly’ comment

It has emerged that Deputy General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Obiri Boahen has been granted bail of GHS200,000 with one surety for his comments on the voter registration exercise which were seen as threatening.

The NPP executive was said to have made a comment during a radio interview on Accra based Okay FM on May 15, 2020 and accused of offensive conduct conducive to the breach of the peace contrary to section 207 of the Criminal and Other Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29).

Some members of the National Democratic Congress(NDC) questioned why he was not invited for questioning although he made comments which were life threatening same as that of the National Chairman of the People’s National Convention (PNC) Bernard Mornah.

But in an interview on Angel FM and monitored by Mynewsgh.com the lawyer indicated that the NDC is not current on happenings in the country and

“When I went to the Police Headquarters, we signed papers and I was bailed. I was interrogated by six CID officials and some officials of Interpol were even present during my interrogation. The condition for my bail was GHC200,000 and one surety which I was able to meet on the said day. I’m matured in politics so I’m not an attention seeker like Bernard Mornah and Kofi Boahene who want the world to hear of them now but for me, I’m matured in politics and I’m not seeking any attention.”

Source: mynewsgh.com

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