Do not take loans from these 19 institutions – BoG cautions

The Central Bank has cautioned Ghanaians against taking loans from some 19 unlicensed institutions. In a statement on August 22, 2022, it said, “Bank of Ghana has observed that a number of unlicensed entities are engaged in the provision of loans to the Ghanaian public, in contravention of the Banks and …

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Accra Zoo reopened to the public

After months of closure, the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel A. Jinapor on Friday, 9th December, 2022 reopened the Accra Zoo to the general public and urged all Ghanaians and the diaspora to patronise the Zoo even as the festive season approaches. “As we approach the festive season, …

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US journalist dies in Qatar during Argentina vs Netherlands clash

An American Sports journalist, Grant Wahl, has died in Qatar while covering the 2022 FIFA World Cup quarter-final clash between Argentina vs Netherlands. According to CNN, the 48-year-old sports journalist collapsed in the middle of the game at the Education City Stadium on Friday, December 9, 2022. Though there are …

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Meet the lady with two vaginal canals, cervixes and wombs

Elizabeth Amoa, a UK-based Ghanaian, has disclosed that she suffers from a bizarre health condition that has caused her to have two vaginal canals, two cervixes, and two wombs. Mrs. Amoa stated that this condition was discovered at the age of 33 and that no amount of scans could detect …

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The intriguing story of how Akatsi got its name

In the past, the town used to be known for one of its most distinguishing features, a crossroad, and also for many other significant reasons. Akatsi, the administrative capital of the Avenor Traditional Area in the Volta Region, used to be known as Mornenu, which translates literally as the ‘four …

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Chicken to sell above 70 cedis – Poultry Farmers

Brace yourself to pay more for chicken this festive season because the Ghana Poultry Farmers Association is estimating an upward adjustment in the price of your favourite protein source. Poultry, initially selling at 55 Ghana cedis two weeks ago, now sells at 70 Ghana cedis on the market. However, this …

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Pregnant Woman Died After Falling Into A Borehole

A 40-year-old mother of two, also pregnant from Kagumo in Magumoni District of Chuka, fell into a well and died while trying to fetch water. According to a reliable source, the pregnant woman went to get water from the well, but she slipped and fell into a well. Though people …

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