Press Statement: Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies


Reclaiming Our Identity: 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies Responds to Micaiah Addai’s Misrepresentations IntroductionGreetings, dear friends in the media and invited guests. We have called this Press Conference this afternoon as elders and representatives of the 21 Communities of the Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies owing allegiance to the late Elder Enoch Ofori, the late founder and President of the Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies in Ghana.Our reason for this press conference is simple: We wish to dissociate ourselves from the anti-Christian, anti-social, immoral behaviour of Micaiah Addai, who is acting as leader of the Association pending the election of a new President of the Assemblies as ordered by the Court of Appeal.BackgroundOver the past several weeks, our attention has been drawn to a series of media reports about a scandal involving the said Micaiah Addai in which he is said to have snatched the wife of a member of his congregation whom he has since added to his harem of three wives.According to the reports, the victim, one Mr. Kofi Agyei, had asked Micaiah Addai, being his spiritual leader, to intervene in a disagreement between him and his wife, Madam Gloria Amponsa, in which the woman had sent drinks to a member of Mr. Agyei’s family to initiate divorce. However, instead of prevailing on the lady, who is also a member of the church, to patch up with her husband, the so-called man of God, reportedly said that, since the lady had presented drinks to Mr. Agyei’s family member, the church could not help him.Days later, Mr. Agyei had the shock of his life when he was told that Micaiah Addai had now taken over his wife, and as we speak the two are living together at the church’s mission house at Adiebeba, Kumasi, as a married couple.Feeling cheated and disrespected, Mr. Agyei sued Micaiah Addai at the Asantehemaa’s Palace. On 13th June, 2023, a five-member panel of the traditional court of Nananom found Micaiah Addai guilty of snatching his church member’s wife while the marriage had not been customarily abrogated. Subsequently, Micaiah Addai was made to customarily slaughter four sheep to pacify the gods of the land. Upon intervention by a prominent Kumasi chief, however, the fine of four sheep, imposed on him for violating Asante customs and thereby desecrating the land, was reduced to two sheep which was converted into money at GH¢ 3,000.00 each, totalling GH¢ 6,000.00.

10). Micaiah Addai’s Conduct is Alien to the Beliefs and Practices of the 7th Day Pentecostal AssembliesSince the story of Micaiah Addai’s sordid act hit the headlines, our church, Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies, has suffered underserved public ridicule and opprobrium – not because Micaiah Addai is practising the beliefs and practices of the church, but because he has deviated from them while his name is still tied to the church!We wish to put it on record that the Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies, founded and registered in Ghana in 1970 by the late Elder Enoch Ofori in cooperation with the late Elder G.C. Gray of the United States of America, is a Christian organization which upholds the core tenets of Christianity, including the practice of monogamy which God instituted in Eden from the beginning for mankind.

In the light of the foregoing, we wish to state that Micaiah Addai, who has openly declared on multiple platforms that he is not a Christian and has made it his habit to blaspheme against the holy Name of Jesus at the least opportunity, does not follow in the footsteps of the late Elder Enoch Ofori, a true man of God who led the 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies for 40 years, preached on many radio stations and founded branches of the church across the country. Instead, it has been the long-standing plan of Micaiah Addai to take over the Church of the Living God as his family inheritance on the basis that the late founder was his uncle and that he is his customary successor!True to his intentions, Micaiah Addai, following the founder’s death in October 2007, resorted to violent attacks on the congregation of the church at the headquarters at Adiebeba in an attempt to forcibly take over the church. Week after week, on Saturdays (the Sabbath), he would dispatch hoodlums to disrupt the church service and beat up church members, incidents widely reported in the media at that time. The situation got so bad that the Ashanti Regional Crime Officer at that time, Mr. Bright Oduro, issued a directive that “the two branches, Adiebeba [pastored by Enoch Ofori Jnr] and Krofrom [Micaiah Addai] should stay away from each [other] and worship separately”.


Still the attacks continued until, after several court cases, a mutual Christian brother prevailed on both sides to settle the dispute amicably. In the Terms of Settlement, Elder Enoch Ofori Jnr, who had been chosen as the President of the Assemblies, agreed to step down “in the interest of peace”, while Micaiah Addai, who headed the Krofrom branch of the Association, was made the interim leader until the election of a new President in accordance with the constitution of the 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies.That was in the year 2009.

Since then, Micaiah Addai has not only frustrated the church’s efforts to hold the agreed election, but has also done grave violence to the Christian beliefs, practices and character of the church as established by the late Elder Ofori.

Not only has he repudiated and denounced Christianity as ‘pagan’, but he has also made polygamy the theme of his teachings – and has even declared fornication a sinless act!So, it is not surprising that Micaiah Addai would go about snatching people’s wives!Threats Against Orderly and Peaceful ElectionThis afternoon, dear friends in the media, we wish to reiterate in no uncertain terms that Micaiah Addai in no way represents the values and beliefs of the Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies. Instead, he is an apostate who embodies his own perverted views and interpretations of scripture.Thankfully, the Supreme Court of Ghana recently dismissed Micaiah Addai’s application for stay of execution of the judgment of the Court of Appeal, paving the way for the election of the new President of the Assemblies.


Unfortunately, however, Micaiah Addai, who is to call a general meeting of the constituent Assemblies of the Association towards the election, is back to his usual tactics. Instead of calling a meeting to set out modalities for the impending election, he has rather threatened to station Police men at the headquarters of the church to harass members as well as handpick as many people as be desires to form the ‘electoral college’.


He has even suggested that his lawyer has given him the go-ahead to hit members of the church but not on their eyes. (All these are his own utterances made during his own Facebook livestreaming and on radio, recordings of which will be made available upon request).Micaiah Addai is no man of peace, as he has consistently demonstrated his aversion for peace and order in the Association of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies since the passing of the late President.At this juncture, we respectfully call upon the authorities, especially our able security agencies in charge of law and order, to come to the aid of the church to ensure justice, peace and order. Enough is enough! Micaiah Addai has gone from troubling God’s church, including casting aspersions on the larger Christian community, to breaking up people’s homes and violating custom and tradition to the extent that he has been made to customarily slaughter sheep to appease the gods of the land as Nananom understand it.Micaiah Addai is not a true member of 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies, let alone a credible spiritual leader of the Assemblies, by virtue of the fact that he has departed from the teachings of the late Elder Enoch Ofori, who, in his last published booklet (in 2006) titled “God’s Law at the World Level”, upheld monogamy as necessary for peaceful marriage. By his conduct, including allegations of courting the help of a fetish priest in a gold deal, Micaiah Addai has breached all the scriptural and ethical rules of the priestly office whereby an overseer must be “the husband of one wife” (1 Tim: 3:2), must not marry a divorced woman (Lev. 21:14; Ezek. 44:22) and must have no dealings with representatives of false gods (Exod. 23:13; Deut. 13:1-3; 1 John: 5:20).The pristine Association of 7th day Pentecostal Assemblies neither teaches polygamy nor condones wife-snatching.


On the contrary, we promote sound Christian principles and teachings anchored on Christ Jesus, the Rock of Ages!Please, spread the word that Micaiah Addai is on his own, a renegade from the truth of the scriptures and even the cultural norms of the land.

His conduct does not represent the 7th Day Pentecostal Assemblies led by the late Elder Enoch Ofori (Sr) for 40 years. Instead, he has been a thorn in the flesh of the Assemblies, a disciplined Christian organization, for some years now. God willing, we shall overcome as always!Thank you for your time.God bless you all! Amen!

:Elder Enoch Ofori Jnr 0244235015

Deacon Kofi Appiah 0244835983

About Evans Kweku Oboafi Junior

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