Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Stonebwoy Apologizes To Sarkodie’s Manager, Angel Town For Attacking Him

Stonebwoy Apologizes To Sarkodie’s Manager, Angel Town For Attacking Him

The BHIM Nation President, Stonebwoy is reported to have rendered an apology to Sarkodie’s manager, Angel Town after attacking him.

It is said that Stonebwoy during Sarkodie’s rehearsal last Monday attacked Sarkodie’s manager over a disagreement which lead to Angel Town being severly injured.

According to industry player George Briton, both parties have apologized to each other and have made peace amicably.

In a further post when a fan said Stonebwoy is always right, George Briton replied saying if he was right then why did he apologize, confirming that Stonebwoy did attack Angel Town and has apologized for that unfortunate incident.


Screenshot below;


Source: ghbase

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