Stop The Derogatory Attacks In The Media – Captain Retired Budu Koomson Told

Mpehuasem lands have come into contention again after a series of court issues against the wrongful acquisition of lands acquired by the government from the NUMO NMASHIE FAMILY OF TESHIE AND LA DZARASEE through an EXECUTIVE INSTRUMENT E.I.72 1974 for the establishment of the ACCRA TEACHER TRAINING COLLEGE(ATTRACO).

And it’s an onward decision by the government to release some portions back to the said family in 2008 through the revocation of E.I , 72 to E.I 16, in lieu of compensation.


According to the Nuumo Nmashie family, A two plots of land which fall within the government release sold to one Micheal by the numo nmashie family of teshie and la dzaraas33 in 2012 is in contention again after the later went unto the land to work on the said land.

Some residents led by one Captain Retired Budu Koomson among others who illegally bought those lands prior to the release of lands are in arms with the developer of the said land claiming ownership and also claiming the said land is part of lands consolidated Court.

“Budu Koomson among others always fails anytime they plan to attack the Nuumo Nmashie family and since the case is in court and it has been injuncted we will therefore advice Budu Koomson to seek for contempt”.

The innocent developer is being attacked in the media after all efforts by one DSP Atuluk Annang of the Police Anti Landguard Unit have proven futile.


“We will write a petition to the Inspector General of Police to sack DSP Atuluk because he is not trustworthy. After failing to intimidate the innocent developer together with his boys at the Police Anti Landguard Unit they have now turned to the media to attack the developer”.


But a close ally of the developer is saying if the matter is in court then the media should direct those angry residents to go back to the court to seek readress.

Meanwhile, the Numo Nmashie family has given the power of attorney to Ing. Surv. Samuel Larbi Darko.


WHEREAS it appears to the National Redemption Council that  the land specified m the Schedule to this Instrument is land rcquired  in the public intcrcst:

Now, THEREFORE, in excrcisc or the powers conferrcd on the National Redemption Council by subsection (l) of section I of the  State Lands Act, 1962 (Act 125), this Instrument is bcreby made  this 28th day of June, 1974.

The land specified in the Schedule to this Instrument is hereby declared to be land required in the public interest:



All that piece of land containing an approximate area of 225.18  acres situate at Accra-Mpehuasem in the City of Accra in thc  Eastern Region cf the Republic of Ghana lying to the North of Kotoka International Airport and to the South-west Of Prison

College bounded on the North by part of the Presbyterian Secondary  School and an open space measuring on that side 3251.1 feet on the East by open space measuring on those sides 618.0 feet and 1427.0 feet respectively on the North-east by open space measuring  on that side 2060.0 feet on the South-east by space measuring on those sides 2872.5 feet and 1243.5 feet respectively on the South west and West by an open space and the Meteorological Department and part of the University College measuring on those sides 3432.3  feet and 803.8 feet respectively which piece of land is more particu  delineated on Plan No. LD.852S/56223 attached hereto and  shewn edged pink.

By Command of the National Redemption Council.


Commissioner for Lands and Mineral Resources



Price 5p

the President by Sub-section (1) of Section I of the State Lands Act, 1962 (Act 125), this Instrument is made this 29th day of May, 2009.

The Land specified in the Schedule to this Instrument is hereby declared to be land required in the public interest.

Executive Instrument 72/74 is hereby revoked.


ALL THAT piece or parcel of land la-aown as Accra Teachers Trainmg College (Land Retained) situate at Accra-Mpehuasam in the Accra District (A.M.A.) of the Greater Accra Region of the  Republic of Ghana the boundary whereof commencing at a pillar  marked SGE 8/76/5 and is 99.21 feet on a bearir:g of 3370 21 i  which bearilhg together with all further bearings hereinafter   mentioned is referred to meridian 1 0 West Longitude from a pillar  marked SGE 13/65/3 on a bearing of3420 36 1 for 1113.0 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/4 and thence on a bearing of3420 27′ for 747.4 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/3 and thence on a bearing of 2510 16′ for 1240.2 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/2 and thence on a bearing of 3590 59′ for 306.7 feet to a pillar marked  SGE 8/76/1 and thence on a bearing 900 23′ for 895.3 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/ 19B and thence on a bearing of9500 19′  for 1281.4 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/20A and thence on a bearing 960 26 for 145.4 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/2 IA and thence on a bearing of94$ 0 l i for 337.5 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/7/22A and thence on a bearing 930 53 i for 742.1 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/ IA and thence on a bearing of 1590 50′ for 56.5 feet to a pillar marked SGE S/7/2A and thence on a bearing  of 1760 26′ for 255.6 feet to a pillar marked SGE 8/76/3A and  thencé on a bearing of 1670 49′ for 76.3 feet to a pillar marked  SGE 8/ 76/6A and thence on a bearing of 181 0 56′ for 570.0 feet

About Dickson Boadi

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