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Tag Archives: George Floyd death

George Floyd death: Protesters tear down slave trader statue

A slave trader’s statue in Bristol has been torn down during a second day of anti-racism protests across the UK, following the death of George Floyd. It comes after largely peaceful demonstrations in central London on Saturday saw some clashes with police. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick urged protesters to …

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George Floyd: ‘Pandemic of racism’ led to his death, memorial told

A lawyer for George Floyd has told a memorial service that a “pandemic of racism” led to his death. Those gathered at Thursday’s tribute stood in silence for eight minutes, 46 seconds, the amount of time Floyd was alleged to be on the ground under the control of police in …

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George Floyd protester loses an eye after being hit by police tear gas

A man protesting the brutal death of George Floyd has lost an eye after being struck by a police tear gas cannister. George Floyd, 46, died after a police officer pressed his knee into his neck for eight minutes despite saying ‘I can’t breathe’. His death has led to outrage …

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George Floyd death: Zimbabwe summons US envoy

The Zimbabwean government has summoned US ambassador Brian Nichols to explain remarks by US national security adviser that Zimbabwe was stoking anti-racist protests in the country. Violence has erupted in cities across the US sparked by the death in police custody of African-American George Floyd. US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, …

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George Floyd death: Violence erupts on sixth day of protests

Violence has erupted in cities across the US on the sixth night of protests sparked by the death in police custody of African-American George Floyd. Curfews have been imposed in nearly 40 cities, but people have largely ignored them, leading to tense stand-offs. Riot police clashed with protesters in New …

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George Floyd death: US cities order curfews amid widespread clashes

Curfews have been ordered in cities across the US in an attempt to stem the violent clashes between protesters and police over the death of George Floyd. Widespread demonstrations have taken place, with riot police using tear gas and rubber bullets after their vehicles were set alight in several cities. …

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George Floyd death: Shame on America – Rawlings

Former President Jerry John Rawlings has commented on the death of George Floyd describing it as a shame on America and Americans. In a tweet, Mr Rawlings said: “America’s moral and political image has seriously declined since the collapse of the bipolar war. Parts of the world have suffered tremendously …

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