Young Pappi allegedly left Makhekhe’s homecoming event early because of Zee and Sinaye’s presence. He definitely felt uncomfortable being around the place after witnessing them hug and tease each other at Makhe’s homecoming.
All ten ex housemates who went to support Makhekhe left late. They stayed with him for hours before saying bye bye to Makhekhe. But one of the ex housemates who didn’t wait for long at the event and left after Zee and Sinaye got to the venue was Young Pappi.
Read Also: Makhekhe’s Homecoming Party bustled with most housemates; see when Liema told Sinaye to film his girlfriend Zee
The reason why he left the place early is unknown, but to a lot of fans on social media, Young Pappi was comfortable seeing Zee and Sinaye all over each other. Someone he once shared an ample time with in the house, is now at loggerheads with each other.
There is this video where Zee and Sinaye had a passionate hug, and she was live on Instagram too, so everyone saw it. The hug was expressive and loud, and fans who were present on the grounds claimed that Pappy left immediately. These are all hearsay on social media, especially on Twitter.
Hmmmm okay?🤭😭
— Zeebra Kotobe (@Mphoza_Mphoza) May 4, 2024