The conditions that has been given by the IMF and surprisingly taken by the NPP deserves only one thing a REVOLT!
Which one of those countries who manipulate the IMF will tell their finance minister to tax its citizens higher after admitting they are not in normal times and go on to admit that they are in crisis?
Indeed even he Ken Ofori Atta codenamed the Economic recovery PC-PEG, which is Post Covid Economic Recovery.
Who Recovers by doing Twice the things that gave them injuries in the first place.
This Budget is the most incompetent and insensitive budget ever drafted since the independence of this country.
In a statement signed by General Secretary Coalition of National Youth Organizers, Osei Kofi Acquah noted that,
A budget that kills investor confidence especially domestic investors by giving them non-negotiable haircuts!
A Budget that seeks to batter a precious extractive mineral like Gold whose prices are determined by first the weight and the carat for Oil, when Thailand can batter *Rice for oil!*
Yes Thailand and Iran drafted a batter trade policy that saw Thailand trading rice for oil, but of course this lazy government which has no intention of deep thinking to get us a better deal will accept anything.
A budget that puts Tax on value added products when one of the key promises and indeed monies have been committed to a supposed industrialization! Plan dubbed *One district one factory?*
A Country that seeks to aggressively mobilize domestic revenue, but in the same vein has refused to increase the earnings of citizens even though inflation is all time high, utility prices are up and food can now be afforded by the privilege?
A government who is seeking to aggressively mobilize domestic revenue through draconian taxes but has not intention of recruiting able bodied young men and women into its public service? How does such a government expect them to pay those taxes when they are unemployed!?
This Budget is going to promote appreciable corruption, crime and all sorts of illegality and vices by hungry and desperate to make a living citizens.
We have no masters nor PHD in economics, but this harsh IMF conditionalities branded as a Budget for the people of the republic of Ghana is unacceptable and history will never forgive those who *proposed it, and those who accepted it!*
Our Cocoa is now harvested with a syndicated loan, our Bauxite is supposed to be collateralized for a Sino Hydro deal to fix our roads, which the evidence stares us in the face, our timber is fetching us nothing, Our oil fields seems to have dried off over night, we don’t see the FX generated by the sale of our diamonds etc and now we want to give a non renewable precious mineral like Gold for an oil!?
Who is in charge? Who thought them Economics!? And still NPP communicators have the effectonry to defend this!?
And what about those supposed opposition members of Parliament who have all shameless approved the Budget?
The NPP may have caused all these self inflicted Economic hardships and pains but more disappointing is the NDC especially their members of parliaments who did not intercede on behalf of the Ghanaian in a hang Parliament where they have the numbers, voice and deciding power!

Source: Elvis Anokye