Home / GENERAL NEWS / VIDEO: Bird crashes motor rider to death on a highway

VIDEO: Bird crashes motor rider to death on a highway

Wonder as they say shall never end in this World.

Everyone is destined to his/her own destiny but many at times, the way some people leave this planet (earth) become weird for one to believe if, it was their destiny or an accident.

A huge bird has crashed a motor rider to death on a highway.

The young motor rider believed to be in his 30s was riding on a highway on top speed.

The bird 🐔, standing on top of a building beside the road fly from the building, crushing the motor rider and his motor bike in the middle of the road.

The rider died instantly.

It was his destiny or what?….

Watch how CCTV captured the incident below.



SOURCE: Filasconews.com

About Elvis Anokye

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