Home / EDUCATION / VIDEO&PHOTOS: 30 pupils involved in accident at Oyoko

VIDEO&PHOTOS: 30 pupils involved in accident at Oyoko

About 30 pupils, a female teacher and driver of the Pentecost Preparatory School in Koforidua have been involved in a near fatal accident Thursday morning .

Only few sustained injuries but all victims have been rushed to the Eastern Regional Hospital in Koforidua.

The accident occurred at about 7:00am while the school bus with registration number GN 7377Y carrying the Victims was approaching Oyoko roundabout from the Oyoko Palace direction of the Koforidua to Tafo Highway.

According to eyewitnesses, the driver noticed something was wrong with the break hence attempted to park on the shoulders of the road but the Bus suddenly reversed, crashed and somersaulted into a ditch .

Residents in the area rushed to the scene to rescue the school children before the a joint team of Police, Ghana National Fire Service and NADMO joined to help in the rescue operation.

Naomi Agyemang, an eyewitness said “I woke up to wash my cloths but while washing I saw the school bus parking at the road side but all of a sudden , I saw the bus crashing into the ditch so I started shouting for help which attracted many residents to the scene to rescue the school school children .We thank God only few of the students and the female teacher sustained injuries ”

The Eastern Regional Commander of Ghana National Fire Service , Assistant Chief Fire Officer Jennifer Naa Yarley, said the station received distress calls about the accident hence dispatched the towing vehicle together with rescue team to the scene which they successfully executed and towed the bus to the Regional Police Headquarters.

She advised drivers particularly those who operate School buses to ensure regular maintenance and daily inspections before they move their vehicles to avoid such accidents .

The New Juaben North Municipal Fire Officer Helbert Danso who was at the scene told Starr News the cause of the accident is being investigated but preliminary Information seems to link the cause to break and steer failure .

A teacher of the Pentecost Preparatory School spotted at the scene Larry Nukpezah said only four including a teacher were injured.

He said the School ensures routine maintenance of their vehicles contrary to speculations.


Source : Ghana/Starrfm.com.gh

About Elvis Anokye

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