Wanni has just dropped herself and fellow housemate Shaun in the mud after revealing a letter from him during her just-concluded diary session, setting them both up for a possible rule violation in the Big Brother Naija house.
With an extra glowing smile, Wanni sat down and excitedly flashed Big Brother the letter written by Shaun, apologizing to her for some misunderstanding that happened earlier.
The moment Biggie asked her what she thought of the nomination process, he had already spotted the letter behind her. She proudly presented it to him when asked, excitedly saying, “Biggie, Shaun wrote me a letter, and here it is!”
But Big Brother soon brought her back down to earth, reminding her that writing inside the house is strictly off-limits and querying whether she’d read the rule book.
Wanni fessed up, admitting she’d read the rules during her HoH week but had forgotten. She apologized straight away, but now it’s a waiting game to find out whether Big Brother dishes out a strike against her , as similar offenses in previous seasons have seen punishment dished out.
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The dynamics in the house must indeed have changed as viewers await Big Brother’s decision-a situation that reminds them of the Lockdown edition where Ozo was issued a strike for writing a letter to Nengi. W
ill Wanni and Shaun share the same fate?