Ways HIV Cannot Be Transmitted or Contracted Even With An Infected Person

Is it true that you can never get HIV by any of these methods, even if you come into direct contact with someone who has the virus? We’ve developed a chronic dread of the virus, and that’s led us to come up with a lot of beliefs that don’t stand up to scientific scrutiny.

In light of that, this article will examine many methods in which HIV cannot be transferred or acquired, even from an infected individual, in accordance with a posting on Healthline. Relax and take in this article while you get some valuable knowledge.

How can one avoid contracting HIV despite coming into contact with an infected person?

first, a kiss with the lips closed

2. perspiration or the wearing of soiled clothing

Third, no matter how close or long a hug is, it cannot spread the virus.

The fourth myth is that using the same restroom as an infected person can get you sick.

According to healthline If you drink from the same water bottle as someone who has the virus, you will not catch it. Therefore, there is no need to make fun of an afflicted person.

Sharing a toothbrush with someone who is sick will not spread the virus to you, but it might spread other illnesses like gingivitis and mono.

No illness can spread through the body from a bite that doesn’t break the skin.

About Elvis Anokye

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