Home / BUSINESS / ‘We’ll take the needed steps to investigate and address theft issues at KIA’ – GACL
Ghana Airports Company (GACL) has responded to recent concerns raised in an article regarding thefts from unattended luggage at Kotoka International Airport (KIA).
Ghana Airports Company (GACL) has responded to recent concerns raised in an article regarding thefts from unattended luggage at Kotoka International Airport (KIA).

‘We’ll take the needed steps to investigate and address theft issues at KIA’ – GACL

Ghana Airports Company (GACL) has responded to recent concerns raised in an article regarding thefts from unattended luggage at Kotoka International Airport (KIA).

GACL emphasized that they take security very seriously and will implement various measures to prevent thefts, including increasing their surveillance and monitoring of luggage handling. Additionally, they have urged passengers to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to airport authorities immediately.

The article depicted a scene where many frustrated individuals were at the KIA baggage complaints office, voicing their dissatisfaction over missing items from their luggage.

Read also: The end of June will see the full opening of Kumasi International Airport – Home Of Ghana News (ghanaweb.mobi)

In light of this, GACL management released a statement on Sunday, June 16, acknowledging the raised concerns and committing to immediate investigation and resolution.

Moreover, they mentioned plans already underway to tighten access controls, particularly in areas like baggage holds, to prevent unauthorized entry by non-travelers and unauthorized personnel.

The statement also emphasized that anyone found guilty of theft or other actions that compromise passenger experiences and damage GACL’s reputation will face severe legal repercussions.

In conclusion, GACL management assured the public of their dedication to ensuring a safe and secure airport environment for all travelers.


Ghana Airports Company (GACL) has responded to recent concerns raised in an article regarding thefts from unattended luggage at Kotoka International Airport (KIA).
Ghana Airports Company (GACL) has responded to recent concerns raised in an article regarding thefts from unattended luggage at Kotoka International Airport (KIA).


Source: TIGPost.com

About Gina Bev Quist

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