Home / GENERAL NEWS / Western North To Host Its First Youth Entrepreneur Conference By Zoom Application

Western North To Host Its First Youth Entrepreneur Conference By Zoom Application

Western North Youth Foundation (WNYF) is a youth led organization operating on a Non – Governmental Organization basis aim at bringing 360 degrees change in Western North Region through the Youth. 


WNYF also poised to transforming Western North youth and students to leaders and unleashing their potentials and talents in order to make our region great.


The Western North Youth Foundation has identified with keen interest the wastage of talent and ideas mostly generated by the youth; as a result of lack of funds needed for the realization of these ideas.


It is one thing to go to school, be trained and have the ability to conceive life changing ideas, but the question left unanswered is, how to secure and finance one’s innovative



In this regard, the Western North Youth Foundation will gather Experts hailing from various professional backgrounds in a common platform through live session and interactions with eminent leaders to discuss how to strategically source funds to finance one’s start-up business.


The format of the programme in its inception will be based on the remote collaboration and participation.  Therefore Covid-19 technically suits the programme more.


This webinar will invite various speakers or panelists.


The speakers/panelists will be experts and influential leaders from the region, and any other allies of the WNYF.


WNYF members and Youth from Western North Region would be the principal participants.


The  event will be held on Sunday; 9th August 2020.


The webinar will be hosted on ZOOM video conference application; it will berecorded thereafter posted on WNYF official pages and social media platforms.


Watch video below





Source: Ghevent


About Elvis Anokye

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