4 simple ways men can increase the size of their penis

The size of the penis often matters during sexual intercourse and that’s why every man wishes to have a good-sized one.

A large-sized penis is said to give much-needed confidence and also boosts a happy sex life.

Although men, these days resort to different sorts of medication for penis enlargement, it is equally important to try some simple natural remedies, as illustrated by YouTuber Jessica Opare Saforo below.

Check out these methods below:

Lose weight

For men who are obese, shedding extra pounds can make a significant difference. For instance, when a man has a big belly, it can overshadow the length of his penis, making it look comparatively smaller. As he begins to lose weight and the tummy flattens, the penis can appear lagger concerning the slimmer abdomen. Reducing the fat pad around the pubic area can also free up more of the penal shaft and make it more accessible during intimate encounters.

Pubic hair trimming

While the exact reasons for the presence of pubic hairs are debated among scientists, some theories suggest that they provide cushions against friction during intercourse or signal maturity. But what has been left unsaid is that its overgrowth covers the penal base area. This concealment will make the penis appear shorter than its actual length.

Practice penal stretching exercise

Two exercises are said to increase penis size: penile stretching (used to add length) and jelging (used to add girth). Proponents claim that these exercises create “micro-tears” in the tissues of the penis. Over time, the body will “fill in” the gaps with scar tissue, thereby increasing the penis size.

Penile stretching exercises are done while the penis is soft. They generally involve gripping the head of the penis and pulling it in different directions.

As the penis is stretched, pressure may be applied in the opposite direction at the base of the penis. The position is then held for several seconds and repeated.

Jelging is also done by grasping the base of the penis and then slowly moving your hand up the shaft with consistent, moderate pressure. This is recommended for up to 20 minutes a day.

Penis pumps

Although penis pumps are often used to treat erectile dysfunction and improve recovery after radical prostate surgery, it is often a home remedy to elongate the penis, used by most men in recent times.

Penis pumps work by suctioning air out of a tube-like device placed over the penis until an erection is achieved.

If used for extended time regularly, the formation of micro-tears increases not only the length of the penis but also the girth.

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About Elvis Anokye

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