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Christians Must Speak Up – David Bethel


But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.” But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. (1Peter 3:15-16).


I have carefully observed lots of comments and invalid attacks raised on the church  in a way or the other. Even though most of these people spewing their ignorance on social media are not referring to the church (The Body of Christ), they are in a way or the other diminishing the hope and confidence in Christianinty, especially for the faint hearted and Babes in Christ as Paul the Apostle likes to put it.


Being a Christian also includes defending your faith when and where needful. Social media is too much of a bigger platform to allow people (ranging from so-called celebrities and others) who feel they have the right to disregard our faith and spew misleading thoughts just to tarnish the image of the body, do so and go scort free.


This, however, does not come as a surprise. History has it that the Church has so many times suffered from the hands of perpetrators, evil doers and even wicked men in authority. Hence, this validates the plight of being a Christian and we embrace this as believers.


However, times like this also sets the platform for well-minded believers to defend the cross using all means possible.


Whenever the church was attacked, there were various forms of reactions including prayer and fasting as well as speaking up when need be.


This is where I feel we presently are. Young Christians on social media, please never consider it a waste of time to expose the ignorance of many that are trying so hard to defame the church through these posts.


Let’s please get this right, most of these people almost  know nothing about the church, have read almost nothing about it and are copying blindly and hence spewing falsehood.  In such an instance, your failure to address the said person is actually to their disadvantage. You deny them the opportunity to learn and be informed so they don’t continue their needles and worthless journey.


Just like the scriptures I quoted above, we are not to engage in vain arguments, neither are we supposed to go all out exchanging insults, big no! However, respond to their ignorance and bring them in alignment of the truth which in some sense may demand some time of study and findings for yourself if you are not grounded. (Do that if need be) but to remain completely silent will not help.


Brethren, let’s speak up. Let’s go all out. Nobody should disrespect our faith and subject it to any form of invalid ridicule. It is ours not only to profess, but also to protect our faith.


Remember, if you don’t do it, the Spirit of the Lord will raise others to do it in any way, however, the state of your conscience might not be that exciting for your kind self.


Let’s speak up and shut the mouths of these ignorant, yet loved people. Jesus loves them all the same, and we also do love them, the reason why we shouldn’t keep quiet.


The church of God is marching forward. The church shall remain undefeated.


Speak up!


_Share with the Brethren if you agree with me._





Source: Thepressradio.com/Ghana/Dickson Boadi

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