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FBI Joins OSP to Probe Cecilia Dapaah

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) of the United States of America (USA) has joined hands with OSP to probe into the alleged corruption related issues of former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources Cecilia Abena Dapaah.

According to a note from the Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP),the probes will primarily be eye-catched on looking into the assets and financial transactions by the former Minister within the US and Ghana as well.

In a communique released by the OSP on Wednesday, October 11, this is “to ascertain the lawfulness of Ms. Dapaah and her associates’ wealth, both in the context of their funds transitioning from Ghana to the United States and vice versa”.

The move is said to be a joint effort between the FBI and OSP.

This comes at backdrop of the lawyers of the former Sanitation Minister that filed an affidavit at the Human Rights Division of the High Court, seeking an interlocutory injunction on investigations being conducted by Ghana’s OSP.

The former Bantama MP had described the work of the OSP as “unfair, unreasonable, capricious, arbitrary and ultra vires” the re-seizure of the Minister’s monies and re-freezing of her accounts and assets.

“I am advised by Counsel and verily believe same to be true that to prevent further violation of my constitutionally guaranteed rights and rendering my application for judicial review otiose, it is imperative that the Respondent is restrained from continuing his investigation pending the determination of my said application,” her affidavit to OSP’s suit prayed.

By Lawrence Odoom

About Lawrence Odoom

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