Management of Ghana Airports Company has shutdown the recently launched private jet terminal belonging to McDan Aviation Company, Starr News has gathered.

The move follows refusal of the company to halt inauguration of the terminal as directed by MD for Ghana Airport Company Yaw Kwakwa over security and safety breaches.

Starr News sources say armed security personnel Monday night stormed the terminal to shut it down.

Union leaders have in a letter to the MD expressed support to management as it seeks to ensure adherence to protocols while demanding outstanding financial obligations yet to be met by McDan over the acquisition of the terminal.

Speaking to Starr News,  divisional Union Chairman of GACL Abdul Issaka Bamba revealed Ghana’s Kotoka International Airport risks downgrading over the breaches outlined in the MD’s letter to McDan.

Mr. Bamba warned union members will not be deployed to the terminal if the concerns are not addressed.

Below is a letter by the union on the impasse between the company and McDan Aviation


Source: Ghana/