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Here are some 2022 dating struggles

Lawyer Nti bemoans tribalism among Ghanaian families

Lawyer Nti rants on Twitter

Ghanaians react to Lawyer Nti’s relationship post

Richmond Xavier Amoakoh, popularly known as ‘Lawyer Nti’ has highlighted some struggles some Ghanaian couples experience in this day and age.

While stating his points, the comic actor finds it disheartening, how prospective marriage partners will abruptly collapse their long-lasting relationship due to all sorts of ‘flimsy’ excuses.

Lawyer Nti identified tribalism and ethnocentrism as one of the key factors hindering the progress of relationships in 2022.

“It is sad how in 2022 people still date for years and end a good relationship with the excuse of because you are not this or that or from here or there, my parents won’t accept you”. Ah! SMH!

A Twitter user after chancing upon his post has wondered if he has fallen victim to any of such situations.

But in response, he disclosed that it was rather his sister who has been jilted by a man due to her ethnic background.

Tweep: “Somebody take some chock ur eye anaaa, Lawyer?

Lawyer Ntim: “Oh nah… Me, some red flags, I see norrr I duck. I wait for you to do it koraa. My sistoo bi some guy take some do am.”

Read the tweets below

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

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