Home / POLITICS / Hon. Aponkye wins Adukrom Nima Assembly Member Election in a landslide victory

Hon. Aponkye wins Adukrom Nima Assembly Member Election in a landslide victory

Hon Aponkye as he’s affectionately called became a sensation on social media some few months to the elections and his victory is no surprise to many who knew he would win.

Journalist, Nana Aba Anamoah took to her Twitter page to confirm the news of Hon. Aponkye’s win. Hon. Aponkye pulled 7966 votes out of the total 8009 ballot cast.

She tweeted;

I just got off the phone with my candidate He said ‘nana y3 winniiiiiiiiiooooooo’ Then pim the line dropped. Now his phone is off

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