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Kumasi: Coffin makers set to increase prices next week

Coffin makers in the Kumasi metropolis have revealed that they will increase the prices of their products from next week.

According to them, the prices of the raw material they use have tripled hence there’s nothing more they can do except for increasing their prices in order not to run out of business.

Agya Appiah, who has about 30 years of experience in the production of caskets and coffins, told the media that;

“I was an apprentice in 1992, but now I run my own business. The fabric we use to decorate the casket I bought for ¢200 on Friday, I was told today to pay ¢240. I couldn’t buy it, so I had to come home to solicit the remaining amount.

“Things are expensive, I would also not sell them [caskets] at a reduced price. All manufacturers here have come to a consensus to increase and stick to one price, latest by next week,”

“This casket is called ‘Abenwaha’, with a price range of ¢1,500 to ¢2,000. But now, If I don’t sell it at ¢2,800, I may not be able to accrue my profit,”

Predictably, with inflation rising high, coupled with fuel and utility tariff increases, a lot of local businesses will be forced to close down very soon.

The future is blare for many entrepreneurs in the country because their businesses are on the brink of collapse.


About Elvis Anokye

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