Home / POLITICS / NDC PC denies reported arrest over plot to kill Agona West MP

NDC PC denies reported arrest over plot to kill Agona West MP

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Candidate of the Agona West in the Central Region has vehemently denied allegations of plotting the murder of the Member of Parliament of the Constituency.

Paul Ofori Amoah’s comment comes after reports went viral that the Swedru Divisional Police command apprehended four armed men allegedly hired to kill the MP for Agona West, Cynthia Mamle Morrison.

The story also stated that the suspects implicated the NDC PC as the one who brought them to the area to execute the alleged act.

But according to Paul Ofori Amoah, the reports are false; adding that the NDC is only focused on winning in the December 7 elections.

“There is nothing about it. There is no killing. We are focused. Our minds are fixed on the prize. All these antics do not mean anything to me,” he said in response to the circulating reportage.

He noted that the ruling NPP should instead focus on the development of the area instead of instigating false news.

He added, “My brothers of the other party must get serious. There are more serious issues affecting our daily lives here at Agona West we should focus on.”

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