Home / BUSINESS / NDC will be in power for 16 years – NEC member aspirant predicts

NDC will be in power for 16 years – NEC member aspirant predicts

An aspirant for the National Executive Committee membership of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Wonder Victor Kutor, is predicting that the party will be in political office for at least 16 years if it wins the 2024 general elections .

He said there is no doubt the NDC will form the next government, judging from the abysmal performance of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) led by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.

According to Kutor, the NDC is not just going to win the 2024 elections on the back of the failure of the NPP but on account that Ghanaians appreciate them as the best managers of the economy, for which reason they would want their comeback.

Speaking to journalists after interacting with delegates in the Eastern Region over the weekend, Wonder Kutor expressed the view that, it is only an NDC government that is able to change the lot of Ghanaians.

He pointed out, for instance, the massive infrastructural developments which dotted the country under former President John Dramani Mahama, as evidence of his assertion.

He added that many of these projects were transformational in the life of the Ghanaian and reflected in the economy.

“The NDC has proven to be the party to transform Ghana and this time when it returns to power, Ghanaians will not like the party to leave power and I am sure we would be in power for 16 years,“ he said.

Wonder Victor Kutor, who is contesting with 18 other aspirants, likened the 16 years of NDC in power to his own sixteenth position on the ballot, saying it is a good sign.

To achieve this however, he said there is work to be done which is why he is putting himself up to be able to get these results.

As former parliamentary candidate aspirant for the Anlo constituency,  Victor Kutor, said he is battle-ready to aid the comeback of the NDC, if given the nod as the National Executive Member.

“My vision and strategies for the party in going into 2024 elections has a great tendency of recapturing power from the inept NPP government because election 2024 is a must win for NDC, which will see us be in power for the next 16 years,“ he stressed.

The NDC will hold its national delegates congress later in December 2022.

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

About Elvis Anokye

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