Home / POLITICS / Piloting of new voters’ register compilation takes off in Kumasi

Piloting of new voters’ register compilation takes off in Kumasi

The pilot of the new voters’ register compilation has taken off in the Ashanti regional office of the Electoral Commission (EC).

JoyNews’ Erastus Donkor Asare reports that a lot of voters gathered at the office of the EC to partake in the exercise.

According to the reporter, security officers were at post to provide security for those there.

The EC has also provided a huge Veronica bucket and solar powered hand washing machine for registrants to wash their hands.

Erastus Donkor also reported that there chairs at the centre which have been properly spaced out to ensure there is social distancing.

JoyNews/AdomNews · Piloting of voters’ register compilation takes off in Kumasi

The exercise is to afford the Commission the chance to identify challenges with their systems and fix them before the mass registration begins later in June.

The EC is compiling the new register ahead of the December general elections, arguing that the current voter management system is over stretched and has reached its end of life.


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