Home / POLITICS / Replace Justin Kodua with an Ashanti – NPP youth group appeals to president

Replace Justin Kodua with an Ashanti – NPP youth group appeals to president

A group known as the NPP Youth for Ashanti Interest has made a passionate appeal to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to ensure that in replacing the Chief Executive Office of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA), he does not give the position to a non-Ashanti.

According to a statement issued by the group, it has noticed this trend that it says has continued to reflect in a decline in the number of appointees from the region.

It added that this trend is unacceptable and, as such, should the president want to replace Justin Frimpong Kodua, who was recently elected as the General Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party, he should ensure that his choice is not someone outside the region.

“It has been observed that any time that there was a compelling need to replace a government appointee of Ashanti extraction, the appointment went to a non-Ashanti. It is important to humbly and respectfully stress that, this trend is gradually decreasing the number of Ashantis occupying certain key positions in the government, thereby dampening our enthusiasm as grassroots and youth of the party in the region. Interestingly, these are key government appointees whom the grassroots and youth of the party in the region usually relied on for jobs and other forms of economic support.

“Very key institutions such as the Forestry Commission, the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR), the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) were all headed by appointees from the Ashanti Region went to replacements from other regions. The same can be said of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. We must even hasten to add that, the above are even the selected ones that we care to mention.

“It is therefore right and appropriate to echo the sentiments of the vast majority of patriots in the region who feel disturbingly threatened that there is no end in sight for this alarming phenomenon, and also use your respective media platforms to humbly and respectfully appeal to the hardworking, caring, compassionate and listening to First Gentleman of the land, His Excellency Akufo-Addo, to consider another competent and hardworking Ashanti as a replacement for the vacant Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA),” the statement read in part.

At the recent 2022 Annual Delegates Conference of the NPP at the Accra Sports Stadium, Justin Frimpong Kodua won the General Secretary position of the NPP.

He beat the incumbent, John Boadu, in a result that took many by surprise.

Read the full statement of the group below:

On behalf of the youth and the teeming New Patriotic Party sympathisers in the Ashanti Region, we thank everyone, particularly, the press for their continued collaboration, support and cooperation with us in our collective resolve to build a better future for the youth of the region, and the country as a whole.

As youth and well-meaning members of the New Patriotic Party in the region, we concern ourselves with the welfare of the region, and also, the progress of the party in the region. We, therefore, have a couple of important reasons for informing this press release. Firstly, we seize this great opportunity to express our profound gratitude to the good people of the Ashanti region, Asanteman and beyond, for showing their massive support to the national aspirants from our region, at the recently-held National Delegates Conference at the Accra Sports Stadium. Secondly, it is another good opportunity to congratulate these national aspirants from the region for offering themselves to the cause, interest and service of the party as national officers. This is a great move which underscores and emphasises the fact that the region is eternally and unswervingly loyal to the party and its great tradition.

Ladies and gentlemen, the mention of loyalty reminds us of what one wise man once said, and it goes “in politics, loyalty is a two-way street”. We absolutely do agree with this statement, and we, therefore, take advantage of this golden opportunity to say a very big “thank you” to the hardworking President of our dear country, His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, for rewarding the loyalty and support of this region to our beloved party, with numerous government appointments.

That said; a certain worrying trend has however been observed, and as concerned and well-meaning members of the party in the region, we find it prudent and right to raise it to the attention of both leaders of the party and the government before this unfortunate phenomenon dampens the spirit of our teeming supporters and sympathisers in the region ahead of the 2024 General Elections.

Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, it is has been observed that any time that there was a compelling need to replace a government appointee of Ashanti extraction, the appointment went to a non-Ashanti. It is important to humbly and respectfully stress that, this trend is gradually decreasing the number of Ashantis occupying certain key positions in the government, thereby dampening our enthusiasm as grassroots and youth of the party in the region. Interestingly, these are key government appointees whom the grassroots and youth of the party in the region usually relied on for jobs and other forms of economic support.

Very key institutions such as the Forestry Commission, the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR), the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) were all headed by appointees from the Ashanti Region went to replacements from other regions. The same can be said of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. We must even hasten to add that, the above are even the selected ones that we care to mention.

It is therefore right and appropriate to echo the sentiments of the vast majority of patriots in the region who feel disturbingly threatened that there is no end in sight for this alarming phenomenon, and also use your respective media platforms to humbly and respectfully appeal to the hardworking, caring, compassionate and listening to First Gentleman of the land, His Excellency Akufo-Addo, to consider another competent and hardworking Ashanti as a replacement for the vacant Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA).

Ladies and Gentlemen, we make this passionate call and request because, from all indications, particularly, judging from the mood of our party people on both social media and at the grounds, ever since the YEA position became vacant, they would be highly disappointed if the appointment is given to someone from a different region. This situation, therefore, sets the stage for either a possible paralysis in grassroots mobilisation or a renewed sense of commitment among the youth in the region.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are of a firm belief that, the hardworking and compassionate President of the Republic, His Excellency Akufo-Addo, would grant our humble request, which will undoubtedly translate into a new and stronger sense of resolve and energy ahead of the 2024 General Elections.

May God bless His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo!

May God bless Ashanti Region!!

May God bless the NPP!!!

May God bless Ghana!!!!

Thank you all for coming

Yaw Geraldo



Source: www.ghanaweb.com

About Elvis Anokye

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