Home / BUSINESS / Roads Committee of Parliament threatens to reject reintroduction of road tolls

Roads Committee of Parliament threatens to reject reintroduction of road tolls

Parliament’s Select Committee has issued a number of conditions under which government’s decision to reintroduce road tolls will be accepted.

Minister of finance Ken Ofori-Atta in a letter to the Roads Minister Kwasi Amoako-Atta has proposed about 85% increment in previous rates before the suspension of tolling.

Speaking to Starr News, however, Chairman for the Committee on Road and Transport Kennedy Osei Nyarko warned he’ll not support any amount less than 5 cedis.

According to the Akim Swedru MP, any reintroduction of tolling must raise enough revenue to clear arrears in the sector including payment to contractors for work already done.

He also wants the collection of the tolls automated without any human intervention arguing that’s the only way to avoid corruption.

However, the Ranking Member of the Committee and Minority Chief Whip, Governs Kwame Agbodza faulted the government for suspending road tolls in the first place.

According to him, his side will only support the reintroduction if all proceeds will go into the sector unlike what exists now where every revenue accrued to the sector is capped and used for other things.

The Adaklu MP further argued while the rich must be made to pay higher tolls, the vulnerable must be factored into the final rates too.

Though Mr. Agbodza supports automation, he wants persons living with disability to have a role to play too.

Source: kasapafmonline.com

About Elvis Anokye

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