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Salaries of public sector workers increase by 23%

The Government of Ghana through the Controller and Accountant General has implemented a salary adjustment for public sector workers by 23 percent.

The decision follows the conclusion of negotiations with relevant stakeholders on the base pay for 2024.

Controller and Accountant General, Kwasi Kwaning-Bosompem, said the salary adjustment took effect from January 1, 2024, with approval from the government.

“The government is very committed to upholding workers’ interests and has never faulted in paying salaries even when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020,” Kwaning-Bosompem is quoted by graphic.com.gh

“In other jurisdictions, during the COVID-19 pandemic, salaries were cut and people were laid off, but in Ghana the government kept faith with workers by paying their salaries,” Kwaning-Bosompem added.

He also pointed that the Ghanaian economy was showing some signs of recovery and urged public sector workers to ensure they help to consolidate the gains made towards economic stability.

“The economy has started showing signs of full recovery, and we must work together to stabilise the fiscal environment and prosecute stability in the macroeconomic environment,” the Controller and Accountant General said.

About Elvis Anokye

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