Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Shatta Wale releases a music video for ‘Killa Ki Mi’ with top-tier visual production.
The African Dancehall King Charles Nii Armah Mensah popularly known as Shatta Wale presents an official music video for 'Killa Ki Mi' showcasing exceptional visuals.
The African Dancehall King Charles Nii Armah Mensah popularly known as Shatta Wale presents an official music video for 'Killa Ki Mi' showcasing exceptional visuals.

Shatta Wale releases a music video for ‘Killa Ki Mi’ with top-tier visual production.

The African Dancehall King Charles Nii Armah Mensah popularly known as Shatta Wale presents an official music video for ‘Killa Ki Mi’ showcasing exceptional visuals.

The anticipated song came with a high-standard visuals that have fans convulsing over it. From the lyrics to the, quality of the video and the characters involved made it a must-watch again.

It’s possible to say that that Shatta Wale is promoting the song with a professionally produced music video this time around. It is always alleged that, he uses his own gadget for video shoot, but of late, he’s been about quality visuals and crazy tunes which typically helps reach a wider audience.

It also help enhances the overall impact the ‘Killa Ji Mi’ song. A fan under the comment section of the video even said and I quote ‘If you’re watching this in 2080, just know Shatta Wale was one of the greatest ever in the Ghanaian music industry’. Just so you know, the song came out well with great visuals, having a presidential treatment and all that in the video.

Often times Music videos are often used by artists to visually convey the message and vibe of their songs, and his fans and his fans understood the assignment.

Great visuals for ‘Killa Ki Mi’ have the potential to increase attention and interaction from listeners and fans. After 5 hours, the music video has accumulated 20,000 views already.

The Video was directed by Sir Choppenson and produced by Shatta Movement Empire.



The African Dancehall King Charles Nii Armah Mensah popularly known as Shatta Wale presents an official music video for 'Killa Ki Mi' showcasing exceptional visuals.
The African Dancehall King Charles Nii Armah Mensah popularly known as Shatta Wale presents an official music video for ‘Killa Ki Mi’ showcasing exceptional visuals.

About Gina Bev Quist

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