Home / ENTERTAINMENT / Steve Crown survives an accident that almost claimed his life

Steve Crown survives an accident that almost claimed his life

Nigerian Gospel singer Steve Crown has shared news of how he escaped death after he was involved in a car accident.

A video he shared on his Instagram page captured his damaged four-wheel Benz vehicle dented on the sides with all the windows shattered.

The video, which he shared on Instagram on May 9, captured the moment he underwent treatment while lying in a hospital with the Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) on his neck.

Steve captioned his post, “Your love never ends Jesus,” without giving details of how the accident happened or when it transpired.

Some social media users have assumed, that his post was shared to remind all that God is alive, and he never fails.

The ‘Hosanna’ crooner after his post got social media users appreciating God for preserving his life.

Some of the comments read:

“The devil is a liar. We thank God for his protection over you. God will perfect your healing speedily in Jesus’ name Amen,” a user said

Another one added saying “Let God Almighty be praised forevermore… Every sad story that the enemy is projecting our way is turning to JOY in Jesus’ name AMEN.”

“God is indeed faithful wishing you a speedy recovery” while another added “D Lord has perfected all that concerns, you Sir! Your recovery is swift by the power of the Holy Ghost! It is well.”


Source: www.ghanaweb.com

About Elvis Anokye

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